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Veterans Casework - FAQs

How do I contact the VA for general information?
You may call the VA’s general number (1-800-827-1000) or visit the VA's website ( for information regarding the following issues (click each issue for more information):
- Burial


- Death Pension

- DIC (Dependency Indemnity Compensation)

- Direct Deposit
- Finding VA Facilities
- Disability Compensation (scroll down for fact sheets)
- Disability Pension (scroll down for fact sheets)
- Education
- Home Loan Guaranty
- Life Insurance
- Medical Care
- Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment

What is the telephone number for Montgomery GI Bill information?

(888) 442-4551. You can also find information about GI Bill beneifts online at

How do I find out information about my VA Health Care Benefits?
You can call the VA at 1-877-222-8387. The VA has also developed a My HealtheVet portal for online and personalized veteran health benefit information and online VA Prescription refills.
Visit the My HealtheVet portal.

Where can I find comprehensive information about all VA benefits?
Each year the VA publishes a booklet outlining the variety of federal benefits available to veterans and their dependents. This information is available online through the VA's website.

How do I find out about Income Verification and Means Testing?

What is the number for the Mammography Helpline?

How do I contact the VA regarding Gulf War, Agent Orange, Project Shad/ Mustard Agents and Lewisite and Ionizing?

Who do I contact for markers and headstones?

How do I apply for medical and prescription benefits with the VA?
In addition to applying online through the VA's website, you can apply by contacting your nearest VA Medical Center or Clinic. You will need a copy of your DD-214 in order to apply.

How do I file an appeal with the VA?
You can file with your regional VA office or contact your local county VA representative to help you complete the correct form. Please contact my Titusville office at 814-827-3985 should you have any questions or concerns about this process.

How do I obtain a Presidential Memorial Certificate?
A Presidential Memorial Certificate (PMC) is an engraved paper certificate, signed by the current President, to honor the memory of honorably discharged deceased veterans. You can find more information about PMCs online at the VA website.

A relative who served our nation in the military recently passed. How do I find out information about obtaining military honors at his/her funeral?
Visit the Department of Defense's Military Funeral Honors Homepage.

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