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Legislative Information

Legislative Priorities

When examining legislation, Congressman Tom Feeney likes to evaluate bills to determine if they will promote individual freedoms, limit the size and scope of government, or provide taxpayers with relief from burdensome taxes.
Freedom, Responsibility, and Opportunity

  1. Less Government
    Does the bill tend to reduce government regulations, size of government, or eliminate entitlements or unnecessary programs?
  2. Lower Taxes
    Does the bill promote individual responsibility in spending, or reduce taxes or fees?
  3. Personal Responsibility
    Does the bill encourage responsible behavior by individuals and families and encourage them to provide for their own health, safety, education, moral fortitude, or general welfare?
  4. Individual Freedom
    Does the bill increase opportunities for individuals or families to decide, without hindrance or coercion from the government, how to conduct their lives and make personal choices?
  5. Stronger Families
    Does the bill enhance the traditional American family and its power to rear children without excessive interference from the government?

Committee Assignments

House Committee on Financial Services

  • Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Enterprises

  • Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit

House Committee on the Judiciary

House Committee on Science

  • Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics

What's in your Wallet?

Congressman Tom Feeney carries a plastic wallet sized card. Printed on it are the six legislative principles he uses when evaluating legislation. Read More


On the Issues

WESH interviews Richelle Starnes -- How YOU can help »

Feeney on Transparency in the Earmark Process


Tom Feeney's efforts to eliminate bloated Washington spending

Tom Feeney is Protecting Children from Predators

Tom Feeney is Bringing Accountability and Standards to Education for our Children's Future

Tom Feeney is Working to Give You More Choice and Affordable Healthcare for your Family



Space, Science, and Energy

Founder of Washington Waste Watchers

waste logo

Congressman Tom Feeney Co-founded the Washington Waste Watchers, a Congressional working group to combat waste, fraud, and abuse in the federal government.

The Waste Watchers are committed to finding and eliminating government waste, and fighting for responsible spending of your tax dollars. The group has introduced legislation to control waste and publicized egregious examples fraud and abuse federal funds.

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Member of the Republican Study Committee


The Republican Study Committee (RSC) is a group of over 100 House Republicans organized for the purpose of advancing a conservative social and economic agenda in the House of Representatives. The Republican Study Committee is dedicated to:

  • a limited and Constitutional role for the federal government,
  • a strong national defense,
  • the protection of individual and property rights; and
  • the preservation of traditional family values.

The group has played a major role in key policy areas including budget, appropriations, taxes, education, Social Security reform, defense, deregulation, and general government reform. The Republican Study Committee is an independent research armfor Republicans.

Rep. Feeney's 2009 Appropriations Request Form

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