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Putnam: Tax Day is a Reminder of the High Costs of the Democrat Congress

April 14, 2008

WASHINGTON – Congressman Adam Putnam (R-FL), Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement on the eve of the annual April 15 tax filing deadline:

“Tomorrow’s tax filing deadline is a stark reminder for all Americans of the high costs of the Democrat Congress.

“Amid an economic slowdown, soaring costs of living and falling home prices, House Democrats have poured salt in the wound by passing the largest tax increase in American history to bankroll a massive Washington spending spree. Stopping this job-killing tax hike is a common-sense step toward easing the middle-class squeeze, yet Democrats see fit to tighten the vise another notch.

“What’s more, Americans are reeling coast-to-coast from the Pelosi premium, paying a dollar more per gallon at the pump than when the Speaker was sworn in 15 months ago. Speaker Pelosi’s promise of a ‘commonsense’ plan to lower gas prices has been exposed as mere election-year pandering. The Pelosi premium’s effect is being felt across the board as truckers are putting down close to $1,000 at a time to fill up their tanks, while working families have to pay more just to commute to work and shuttle their children home from after-school practices. And $4 gasoline may soon become a harsh reality, all on Speaker Pelosi’s watch.

“Any long-term tonic for the economic challenges we currently face must include new tax relief for working families. We cannot expect the American people to push ahead and put their proven resilience and innovative spirit to work if they are being hamstrung by the failed tax-and-spend policies of the past.

“Democrats will have an opportunity this week to do the right thing for the American people and vote to stop the largest tax increase in U.S. history. And the American people, feeling the pain of rising gas prices and falling home values, will be watching how they vote very closely.”


Contact Brian Schubert 202-226-9000