The Tampa Bay Rays' Rocco Baldelli, left, celebrates with Dioner Navarro, center and Fernando Perez after Baldelli hit a three-run home run in the eighth inning during Game 3 of the American League Championship Series in Boston. Baldelli's was the the third of four homers the Rays hit in their 9-1 blowout of the Red Sox.
The Tampa Bay Rays' Rocco Baldelli, left, celebrates with Dioner Navarro, center and Fernando Perez after Baldelli hit a three-run home run in the eighth inning during Game 3 of the American League Championship Series in Boston. Baldelli's was the the third of four homers the Rays hit in their 9-1 blowout of the Red Sox.
By Adam Hunger, Reuters
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The Rays are bashing their way through their first playoffs trip.
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The Bush administration plans to spend as much as $250 billion of the $700 billion bailout buying stock in private banks, officials said.
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Bush says he will help U.S. banks gain access to capital.
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The average price dropped 35 cents in the past 2 weeks.
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Stars from around the world gathered to pay tribute.
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Presidential election

Bloc known as the "others" - voters from all walks of life, races, political leanings and economic backgrounds - could help Obama turn a statistically red state into a blue one.


More colleges across the U.S. stamp out smoking.
The star dishes on Pitt, Obama in interviews.
Chicago Midway privatized under lease.
Entrepreneurs, it's time to do the hustle.
Bianco: Bornheimer shines, 'Week' struggles.
TV talkers zoom in on 'Pacman.'


Koscheck to face Alves at UFC 90, replacing Sanchez.
Sorority aims to raise awareness of students of all sizes.
Elect yourself and win a Disney presidential suite
Simplifying aid, barring illegals, comparing colleges.
Madden to take a week off from NFL TV booth.
Eva Longoria: 'I'm a big fat (size) 0'.


Emotions among Americans are running high, fueled by the financial crisis and harsh rhetoric on the presidential campaign trail. In fact, John McCain has been forced to calm unruly crowds, which have called his opponent, Barack Obama, a terrorist and other insults. The incivility serves to highlight the dangers of negative campaigning.

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More News

By Mark J. Terrill, AP
Los Angeles Dodgers manager Joe Torre has seen firsthand how effective Derek Lowe can be while pitching on short rest in the postseason.
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Tommy Bowden has been replaced as Clemson's football coach in the middle of his 10th season at the South Carolina school.
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Kentucky Derby and Preakness winner will likely miss Breeders' Cup Classic after injuring right front foot during workout on Monday.
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By Marcio Jose Sanchez, AP
Couples from around the USA are rushing to marry ahead of next month's elections in case state's voters OK a ban on same-sex marriage.
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Obama proposed more immediate steps to heal the nation's ailing economy including a 90-day moratorium on home foreclosures.
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McCain unveiled a new campaign stump speech that promised an energetic fight to reverse his slide in the polls.
Across the USA
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By Morry Gash, AP
Two huge wildfires driven by strong Santa Ana winds threatened neighborhoods near L.A., forcing frantic evacuations on highways.
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Nine people are at a hospital after a car struck a school bus in Lafayette, La., and ignited.
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A television station says two people died when its news helicopter crashed in a rural area north of Houston.
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Officials say blaze that claimed the lives of a couple and their three children was caused by child playing with matches or a lighter.
Entertainment industry
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2007 Reuters file photo
The newly independent DreamWorks has signed a distribution deal with Universal Studios, after splitting from Paramount Pictures.
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The doctor has again ordered Janet Jackson to postpone a return to her tour. Jackson was scheduled to resume her tour Monday.
On Deadline
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Survey shows 25% approve, 71% disapprove of president's performance in office.
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An Army trainee will face nonjudicial punishment rather than criminal charges for beating a soldier so badly he was treated by a hospital.
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By Chuck France, AP
An atheist soldier who accused the Defense Dept. of violating his religious freedom dropped the lawsuit, citing his plans to leave the Army.
Infant health initiatives
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Heartbroken at the sudden death of their baby, the Yi family burned his clothes, toys, everything but a single photo and his baby formula.
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Attorneys general from 3 states sent letters to 11 companies that make baby bottles, formula containers, asking they not use the chemical.