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Daily Digest - Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Daily Digest


    Senate completed action on H.R. 3221, Foreclosure Prevention Act.

[Page: D958]  GPO's PDF


Chamber Action

Routine Proceedings, pages S7487-S7537

Measures Introduced: Seven bills were introduced as follows, S3339-3345.

Page S7526

Measures Reported:
S. 3339, to amend chapter 33 of title 38, United States Code, to clarify and improve authorities relating to the availability of post-9/11 veterans educational assistance. (S. Rept. No. 110-433)
H.R. 5683, to make certain reforms with respect to the Government Accountability Office, with amendments.

Page S7526 

Measures Passed:

Printing Authority: Senate agreed to H. Con. Res. 395, authorizing the printing of an additional number of copies of the 23rd edition of the pocket version of the United States Constitution.

Page S7537 

Measures Considered:

Warm in Winter and Cool in Summer Act: Senate resumed consideration of the motion to proceed to consideration of S. 3186, to provide funding for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program.

Pages S7508-09 

During consideration of this measure today, Senate also took the following action:
By 50 yeas to 35 nays (Vote No. 187), three-fifths of those Senators duly chosen and sworn, not having voted in the affirmative, Senate rejected the motion to close further debate on the motion to proceed to consideration of the bill.
Page S7508 

Senator Reid entered a motion to reconsider the vote by which cloture was not invoked on the motion to proceed to consideration of the bill.
Page S7508 

Subsequently, the motion to proceed was withdrawn.
Page S7509 

Advancing America's Priorities Act: Senate began consideration of the motion to proceed to consideration of S. 3297, to advance America's priorities.

Pages S7509-11 

A motion was entered to close further debate on the motion to proceed to consideration of the bill, and, in accordance with the provisions of Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, a vote on cloture will occur on Monday, July 28, 2008.
Page S7509 

A unanimous-consent-time agreement was reached providing that at approximately 3 p.m., on Monday, July 28, 2007, Senate resume consideration of the motion to proceed to consideration of the bill, and that the time until 4 p.m. be equally divided and controlled between the two Leaders, or their designees.
Page S7537 

House Messages:

Foreclosure Prevention Act: By 72 yeas to 13 nays (Vote No. 186), Senate concurred in the amendment of the House of Representatives to the amendment of the Senate to the amendments of the House to the amendment of the Senate to H.R. 3221, to provide needed housing reform, clearing the measure for the President.

Pages S7487-7506 

Reid Motion to concur in the amendment of the House of Representatives to the amendment of the Senate to the amendments of the House to the amendment of the Senate to the bill, with Amendment No. 5103, to establish the effective date.
Pages S7487, S7506 

During consideration of this measure today, Senate also took the following action:
Reid Amendment No. 5104 (to Amendment No. 5103), to change the enactment date, fell when Reid Motion to concur in the amendment of the House of Representatives to the amendment of the Senate to the amendments of the House to the amendment D959of the Senate to the bill, with Amendment No. 5103, to establish the effective date, was withdrawn.
Pages S7487, S7506 

Measures Read the First Time:

Page S7526 

Additional Cosponsors:

Page S7526 

Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions:

Pages S7526-37 

Record Votes: Two record votes were taken today. (Total--187)

Pages S7506, S7508 

Adjournment: Senate convened at 9 a.m. and adjourned at 2:01 p.m., until 10 a.m. on Sunday, July 27, 2008. (For Senate's program, see the remarks of the Majority Leader in today's Record on page S7537.)

[Page: D959]  GPO's PDF

Committee Meetings

(Committees not listed did not meet)
No committee meetings were held.

House of Representatives

Chamber Action

The House was not in session today. The House is scheduled to meet at 11 a.m. on Monday, July 28, 2008 in pro forma session.

Committee Meetings

No committee meetings were held.

Joint Meetings

No joint committee meetings were held.


(Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated)


No meetings/hearings scheduled.

[Page: D960]  GPO's PDF

Next Meeting of the

10 a.m., Sunday, July 27

Senate Chamber

Program for Sunday: Senate will meet in a pro forma session.

Next Meeting of the

11 a.m., Monday, July 28

House Chamber

Program for Monday: To be announced.

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