U.S. Senator of Tennessee

Lamar Alexander

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“Be proud to say that we are all Americans." – Lamar Alexander

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Lamar AlexanderWhen I was 10 years old, my father took me to the Blount County courthouse to meet Howard H. Baker, Sr., our congressman. Mr. Baker stopped and talked with me and gave me a dime. I was sure I had just met the most respected man in the world, other than my father and our preacher. Between my junior and senior years at Maryville High School, I visited Washington, D.C. for the first time. Again, Mr. Baker found time for a visit. He wrote me a nice letter, which now hangs in my office.

I am sure those two experiences had something to do with my volunteering to work for Congressman Baker's son, who in 1966 became Tennessee's first popularly elected Republican United States Senator. Howard H. Baker, Jr. inspired a generation of young Tennesseans to become active in government and politics. I was one of those, coming here to work as his legislative assistant in 1967 and again in 1977, when he was elected Republican leader of the United States Senate. I am proud to serve today in that same Senate seat.

I hope your visit to Washington, D.C. will inspire you as much as my earlier experiences inspired me. I also hope that visitors will maintain an active interest in our government and that someday, some other visitor to this office will serve in it.

Very best wishes,

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