United States Senator - Jim DeMint
Throughout the year, but most especially in the summer, Sen. DeMint's Charleston office plays host to interns looking to experience life working for a U.S. senator. From time to time we like to shine the spotlight on these rising young stars who add so much to the combined efforts of Team DeMint.

Introducing Lauren Slaughter:

Hello from Charleston! This is my first summer in Charleston and I could not be more excited to be interning in Sen. DeMint’s Lowcountry Office. After spending last semester interning and taking classes in D.C., not only did I fall in love with the city, but also with government, the legislative process, politics and public service. I guess you could say I caught “Potomac Fever.”

Coming home to Charleston, I have enjoyed the other side of life in the Senate: constituent service. Our work in the Charleston office deals more directly with individual constituent needs and helping them see results in an often frustrating situation. Not only is the work an educational experience, as I learn policies and procedures when dealing with the different federal agencies, but it is also very rewarding.

I am a rising senior at Boston University majoring in international relations with a focus in East Asian studies and global systems. I love to travel and have always had a heart for helping others both in my local community and abroad. This summer I have the amazing opportunity to do both: first, as an intern here in the senator’s regional office, and then as an Olympic volunteer in Beijing. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve and represent the state of South Carolina and our nation in such a capacity.