United States Senator - Jim DeMint
I’m going to go ahead and admit that I don’t watch a lot of ESPN (Georgia Game Days excluded), but thank goodness a fellow DeMint staffer got me to make an exception for this:

If you live outside of the Lowcountry and you need to be reminded about how beautiful the human spirit can be, you’ve gotta the see the video clip.

Those of us who live in the community are all too aware that we’re approaching the one-year anniversary of the Sofa Super Store fire where we lost nine of our bravest firefighters. For us, the wound is still fresh and this piece is a great tribute to our friend, our neighbor, our local hero, Coach Louis Mulkey.

I think everybody can find elements of love, healing and strength in this story, and I hope you’ll take a few minutes to watch. Also worth watching is a speech Sen. DeMint gave on the Senate floor last year following the tragedy during which he honored all of the firefighters and their families, saying:
Firefighters represent the best our country has to offer and I for one will never forget these home town heroes and the tremendous sacrifice they made this week.

For the families of those who lost loved ones yesterday in Charleston, our words are feeble comfort for them, but we will always honor the memory and the sacrifice of these heroic public servants of South Carolina.

And for the families and friends of firefighters who remain on the job today, we pray for them as the Psalmist did, that God would be “their refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble.”