According to the Constitution, Congress is the first branch of government, in which “all legislative power” is vested within its two houses. The Office of the Historian of the House of Representatives seeks to improve public knowledge and understanding of the “People’s House.”
The Office of the Historian provides information and interpretation on important precedents and events for the use of Members of Congress and their staffs, the media, students, educators, scholars, and the general public. The Office conducts oral history interviews of current and former members of Congress and selected staff, as well as advises members on the disposition of their archives and papers. It also works with the Office of Photography to archive the hundreds of thousands of photographs taken in the House.
The Office of the Historian was established in Rule II of the House Rules, and reports to the Speaker of the House. Its mandate is to promote, present, and interpret the history of the House.
It is my hope that this website will be a ready resource for all who are interested in the history of this most fascinating institution, the “People’s House.”
Robert V. Remini
Historian of the House |