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Preventive Health | Print |
health_page_pic.jpgI am a strong supporter of health care promotion programs that have the potential to improve health, improve quality of life, reduce health care costs, and boost productivity.  Unfortunately, a very small percentage of health care spending is devoted to health promotion.  I believe that it is time for America to increase its investment in health prevention strategies.  The national investment in prevention is currently estimated to be less than 5 percent of annual health care costs despite strong evidence that prevention can be cost-effective and helps people enhance the quality of their lives.

It is a fact that adaptable lifestyle factors such as smoking, sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, unmanaged stress, and obesity account for approximately half of premature deaths in the United States.  Moreover, spending on chronic diseases related to lifestyle and other preventable diseases account for an estimated 70 percent of total health care spending.  With the pending retirement of the baby-boom generation, the financial burden of these preventable diseases will further threaten the solvency of the Medicare program.

It is my hope that with a greater focus on prevention, we will be able to greatly reduce the number of individuals who suffer from all types of ailments including diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and strokes, just to name a few areas where preventive health care could make a significant impact.

Press Releases and Statements

October 2, 2007 - Udall Introduces Healthy Workforce Act

June 7, 2007 - Udall Introduces HeLP Act

January 19, 2005 - Address to the 47th New Mexico State Legislature


*** Questions and Answers about Influenza (the flu) ***