Republican Whip Roy Blunt

Whip Resources

Welcome to Republican Whip Roy Blunt's Legislative Resource Center. Listed below are links to resources that will help you follow the activities of the House of Representatives.

Legislation Being Considered on the House Floor

     Whip Notice
         A weekly listing of bills expected to be considered in the upcoming week.

     Whipping Post
         A listing of bills expected to be considered that day.

    House Floor
         A real-time description of activity occuring on the House Floor.

    Committee Central
        Committee Central provides analysis of upcoming legislation on the House floor.
        Legislative Information System of the U.S. Congress

Upcoming Legislative Activity

     House Calendar
         A summary overview of when the House will be in session and expected times for debate.

Additional Legislative Information

         Legislative information provided by the Library of Congress

    The House of Represetatives
        The homepage of the U.S. House of Representatives

    The Senate
        The homepage of the U.S. Senate.

    The White House
        The Official Website of President George W. Bush

The Little Book of Big Government

    The Little Book of Big Government
        Everything you feared about government just might be true.... 

Other Republican Leadership Offices

    Republican Leader John Boehner

    House Policy Committee
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