Committees and Caucuses

Congressman Bishop currently serves on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, where he is working to reduce traffic congestion on Eastern Long Island, preserve environmental resources and improve aviation safety. He also serves on the Education and Labor Committee, where he is continuing his lifelong mission to expand opportunities for Long Island's working families and increase the affordability of education for all Americans. As a member of the Budget Committee, he works to help restore fiscal discipline and set national  priorities.

The Congressman also serves on the following Congressional Caucuses:

-    4-H Caucus
-    Armenian Caucus
-    Autism Caucus
-    Cancer Caucus
-    Community College Caucus
-    Congressional Arts Caucus
-    Congressional Caucus on Addiction, Treatment and Recovery
-    Congressional Fire Services Caucus
-    Congressional Humanities Caucus
-    Congressional Labor and Working Families Caucus
-    Congressional Shipbuilding Caucus
-    Congressional Wine Caucus
-    Democratic Budget Group, Vice Chair
-    House Democratic Caucus
-    House Education Caucus
-    House Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus
-    Long Island Sound Caucus
-    Maritime Academy Caucus
-    Nanotechnology Caucus
-    National Service Congressional Caucus
-    Parkinson's Working Group
-    Port Security Caucus
-    Senate After School Caucus (after school alliance)
-    Shore Protection Caucus
-    Steering and Policy Committee/Organization, Study and Review
-    Subcommittee on Water Resources and the Environment (TVA Delegation and Congressional Committee)
-    Sudan Caucus
-    USO Congressional Caucus