
district of california

Energy Independence

High gas prices are hurting the pocketbook of everyone in Orange County. Family budgets are strained. That is why I have been pushing for short and long-term solutions to lower gas prices and to address our future energy needs.

Today, our economy is 70 percent dependent on foreign energy sources for gasoline, most of which we get from hostile countries. Over the next ten years, if no action is taken to increase energy sources, it is estimated that the U.S. will spend $10 trillion on foreign oil, much of it going to Saudi Arabia, Iran, Venezuela, and other OPEC cartel countries.

The OPEC oil cartel controls more than three quarters of the world’s global oil reserves and severely restricts both supply and access to its oil fields. This has caused a dramatic spike in the price of oil, which not only hits consumers at the pump, but harms nearly every aspect of the economy.

I am working on legislation to lift the prohibitions imposed on new domestic energy production— from nuclear, to oil and gas exploration, to oil shale, to coal liquefaction into gas, to new windmills and large solar projects, and to gas refineries.

These moratoriums help drive up energy costs and risk sinking the economy. The prohibition on exploration must be relaxed as we continue the development of new lithium-ion car batteries and flex fuels, which will make our vehicles less dependent on foreign oil. New, clean technology is doubling car battery capacity every two years for hybrid vehicles. Yet even as these advances compound, we must lift the moratoriums on new energy sources in the U.S. to drive down the price of gas. The Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board testified that oil supplies are so tight that a one percent increase in supply could drop the price of oil by ten percent.

I am an original cosponsor of the "American Energy Act" which will increase the supply of American-made energy, improve conservation and efficiency, and promote renewable and alternative energy technologies. This legislation will open up our deep water resources, open the Arctic coastal plain, allow for development of our nation's oil shale, and cut red tape to allow for the construction of new refineries - refineries that haven't been built in over 30 years in this country.

This legislation also provides tax incentives for businesses and families that purchase more fuel efficient cars. It also provides tax incentives to those that improve their energy efficiency. It permanently extends the tax credit for alternative energy production, including wind, solar and hydrogen. Barriers to the expansion of emission-free nuclear power production are eliminated in this piece of legislation. It spurs the development of alternative fuels.

Renewable and clean energy sources like nuclear, wind, solar, and lithium-ion car batteries for electric hybrids will provide the base of our energy supply in the future. Improvements in vehicular fuel efficiency have also helped, benefiting the environment and lessening our reliance on oil. In the interim, however, it is vital that we tap into our natural resources. A now restricted Alaskan site has an estimated 10.6 billion barrels of oil, and the oil shale reserves in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming hold nearly 1.8 trillion barrels of crude oil, but are closed to exploration.

It is vital that we utilize our nation’s vast energy supplies. At the same time, we should continue to develop new, clean technology. This would significantly reduce our use of foreign oil. Doing so is an economic necessity and is vital to our national security.

Related Documents:

Press Releases - Royce Applauds Expiration of Quarter Century-old Energy Moratoria 10.1.2008

Press Releases - Royce Slams Democrat's Sham Energy Bill 9.16.2008

Press Releases - Royce Presses for Energy Solutions for Hardworking American Families 9.12.2008

Press Releases - In the Face of OPEC Announcement Royce Urges Vote on American Energy Act 9.8.2008

Press Releases - Royce Addresses Energy Crisis 8.21.2008

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Related Files:

Energy Debate

Energy Proposals Chart

Energy Protest

American Energy Act