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Business and Economic Development PDF Print
businessAs a representative of one of the most vibrant small business districts in the United States, Congresswoman Sanchez has been fighting for small business loans, to repeal the "estate tax," and to help the businesses most affected by sudden downturns in the economy. She understands that many businesses are caught in a spiral of higher and higher taxes, hampering their growth. Small businesses are critical to our economy. They employ 53 percent of the private work force, contribute 47 percent of all sales in the country, and are responsible for 50 percent of the private gross domestic product. Representative Sanchez has been a strong supporter of an economic stimulus package that boosts consumer confidence, encourages investment, and maintains fiscal discipline which will keep long-term interest rates in check. This plays an important role in making sure business entrepreneurs can acquire the venture capital needed to expand businesses and create new jobs. She will continue to fight for the prosperity of small businesses in her own district, throughout Orange County and the state of California.

Congresswoman Sanchez is also a member of the Joint Economic Committee (JEC). JEC is a bicameral Congressional Committee composed of ten members from each the Senate and the House of Representatives.  There are twelve Democrats and eight Republicans on the Committee.  The JEC was established by the Employment Act of 1946 (Public Law 304).  Its main purpose is to make a continuing study of matters relating to the US economy.  The Committee holds hearings, performs research and advises Members of Congress.
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