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So You Want To Be A Congressional Page... | Print |


 Peter DeFazio with recent Page Laura Heaton of Oregon

A place in the Congressional Page program is one of the most sought after positions in Washington, DC for juniors in high school from across the country.

Pages come to our Nation's Capital to spend a summer or a school year. Part of the day is dedicated to attending classes while, the rest is spent running between the House, Senate offices, and the floor of the House delivering documents to Members and committees.

There are a scant 66 of these positions in the House of Representatives with the possibility of 439 Members of Congress wishing to recommend young people. Only one application is provided to Members to start the selection process. For these reasons, the selection process is very competitive.

If you would like to apply for this program please contact my Eugene office for more information:

151 West 7th, Suite 400
Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: (541)465-6732
Phone: (800)944-9603