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Moran Concerned with Direction of Farm Bill Negotiations


HAYS - Congressman Jerry Moran today released this statement regarding the status of farm bill conference discussions.


"While I am pleased that progress is being made on completing the farm bill, I have serious concerns with the direction of the farm bill framework.


"We will know more over the course of the next several days as to what the preliminary framework means, but from what I can tell, the priorities in this farm bill certainly do not reflect those of farmers and ranchers. Funding is being redirected out of programs that support producers and into non-agricultural programs. This is further evidence of movement in a direction that is less friendly to farmers in Kansas and the small towns they live in.


"While I am very supportive of nutrition programs, the funding cannot come at such a tremendous cost to the programs that help farmers and ranchers produce the food and fiber that feeds and clothes all Americans. The framework that is being advanced proposes to cut funding for crop insurance and safety net programs like direct payments. Meanwhile the funding that remains for the commodity title of the farm bill goes to less effective safety net programs that are more trade and market distorting.


"As a member of the conference committee, we are expected to meet early next week. I have gone to work to try to improve the farm bill for the benefit of American agriculture and will work hard to see we can still get that accomplished."


