
Armenian Community

There are approximately 4,000 Armenians in Michigan’s 9th District alone and Congressman Knollenberg has advocated for Armenia issues since the day he took office. The United States and Armenia are allies with much in common.

Since 2001, Congressman Knollenberg has co-chaired the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues. In this capacity, he has led the fight for Armenia in Congress. From recognizing the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923 to ensuring millions of dollars in foreign assistance for Armenia, Congressman Knollenberg has been at the forefront of issues affecting both the U.S. and Armenia.

As co-chair of the Armenian Caucus, Congressman Knollenberg has been actively involved in officially recognizing the Armenian Genocide. Perhaps the most important issue for the Armenian community in Oakland County, official recognition of the Genocide is necessary. The Armenian Genocide occurred and we have a responsibility to acknowledge that fact. The U.S. has a unique role in ensuring the world’s history remains intact and that the truth is not ignored. House Resolution 106, introduced by Congressman Knollenberg and his colleagues, acknowledging the Genocide and has over 190 bipartisan cosponsors in the House of Representatives. This number proves the resolution’s wide-ranging support in Congress and House passage of H. Res. 106 is one of Congressman Knollenberg’s top priorities for the 110th Congress.

Furthermore, as a senior member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations, Congressman Knollenberg is in a unique position to directly impact the international assistance Armenia receives. Since 1993, Armenia has received more than $1.5 billion in economic and military aid from the United States. This funding helps Armenia to modernize and expand both their economy and security in order to better compete in our global economy.

In 2006, a new era in U.S. Armenia relations began when Armenia signed a five year, $236 million compact with the Millennium Challenge Corporations (MCC). This funding will be used to reduce rural poverty through a sustainable increase in the economic performance of the country. The MCC was launched in 2004 and provides a different approach to development assistance that recognizes sound policies and good governance as being critical to poverty reduction and economic growth in developing countries.

U.S. aid to Armenia is becoming more crucial as the illegal blockage of the country continues by its neighbors Turkey and Azerbaijan. In order to achieve the stated U.S. policy goals of regional cooperation and economic integration in the Caucasus region, Turkey must restore economic, political and cultural links with Armenia and Azerbaijan must stop their baseless threats to attack Armenia. It is in the national interest of the United States for Turkey and Azerbaijan to normalize relations with Armenia and open their borders.

Furthermore, the U.S. has a responsibility to ensure the security of Armenia by providing equal military funding for Azerbaijan and Armenia. Military parity between the two countries sends a strong signal that the U.S. does not favor one country over the other. The U.S. must also remain a neutral participant in the Nagorno-Karabakh self-determination debate. In recent years, the Administration has requested more military funding for Azerbaijan. Using his position on the State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee, Congressman Knollenberg has worked to equalize that funding for Armenia.

Working with the local Armenian community and the national Armenia advocacy groups, Congressman Knollenberg is able to ensure that issues important to America and Armenia remain a priority in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Armenia Assembly of America

Armenian National Committee of America


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Opinion Pieces - Armenia at a Crossroads 3.15.2008

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Armenian Reporter 03152008

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