
Chaldean Community

The Chaldean community of metro Detroit, and specifically in Oakland County, is vibrant, active, and an asset to the entire region. Since coming to Congress in 1992, Congressman Knollenberg has worked hard to represent the Chaldean community.

There are an estimated 120,000 Chaldeans in southeast Michigan, the largest concentration outside the Middle East. Chaldeans are indigenous people of Iraq that recognize the primacy of the Roman Catholic Pope. The term Chaldo-Assyrian was the term agreed upon as a national designation in the Baghdad Conference in October of 2003, sponsored by numerous political bodies and organizations.

Most Chaldean families that live in Oakland County have close relatives in Iraq. Congressman Knollenberg has focused to ensure the Chaldo-Assyrian communities in the Nineveh Plain in northern Iraq are safe and secure. Chaldo-Assyrians in Iraq have been persecuted due to their religious beliefs for centuries and most now live in a handful of villages and towns surrounding Nineveh, the ancient capital of Assyria.

As a senior member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, Congressman Knollenberg has led the fight to ensure U.S. funding is being used to rebuild northern Iraq in order to provide for a stable environment where Chaldo-Assyrians are free from persecution. Congressman Knollenberg has consistently pushed the State Department, including Secretary Condoleezza Rice, to provide assistance to the people in the Nineveh Plains. Centuries of history and culture would be lost if the United States ignored the area.

Congressman Knollenberg also works very closely with local Chaldean community groups in Oakland County. He has secured federal funding for important projects at the Chaldean Community Cultural Center. The Center brings the thousands of years of Chaldean history to life with exhibits, walk-in dioramas, and interactive events such as watching a traditional Chaldean wedding. The federal funding that Congressman Knollenberg spearheaded has allowed the Center to expand and reach more people.

Because of his work in support of the community, Congressman Knollenberg has received a special tribute at the Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce annual awards dinner. The Chaldean Chamber is dedicated to growing business in Michigan and has been successful in bringing Chaldean business to the metro Detroit area.

The Chaldean community brings business, innovation, family values and cultural diversity to Michigan’s 9th Congressional District. Congressman Knollenberg will continue to work with the community to ensure these qualities thrive in southeast Michigan.

The Chaldean-American Chamber of Commerce

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Article - Chaldean Town Hall meeting focuses on rebuilding Iraq 4.3.2008

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