$1 Gas

Outraged About Gas Prices? Miss $1 gas?

We don’t have to accept $4 a gallon gas as an inevitable part of American life. We can take action to lower prices NOW. I am committed to Americans taking advantage of American energy and oil shale is the most feasible, most abundant resource we have.

oil shale deposit map

The Green River Basin, located in Wyoming, Utah and Colorado, has a vast supply of petroleum in the form of oil shale.  With modern technology, it is now economically feasible for us to tap into this reserve.  In fact, of the estimated 2.7 trillion barrels of oil held in the world's oil shale deposits, 2 trillion is located in the United States. That's more oil than all the countries in the Middle East combined. It’s the equivalent of one-to-two times of proven global oil reserves and triple the amount of oil reserves in Saudi Arabia. 

At a time when the prices of consumer goods and services are soaring in large part because of the cost of energy resources, why would we intentionally hinder our ability to develop our most promising resource in a responsible manner? 

With this in mind, I have introduced a bill, H.R. 6211, “Oil Shale Opportunity Act of 2008,” which would dramatically lower the price of gas at the pump by developing the vast shale oil resources of the American West. It is atrocious that the American public has fallen victim to a lack of energy leadership from the current Congressional majority.

There is a quote from Daniel Webster which hangs above the Speaker’s Chair in the House of Representatives in which he declares, “Let us develop the resources of our land, call forth its powers, build up its institutions, promote all its great interests to see whether we also, in our day and generation, may not perform something worthy to be remembered.”

I am committed to keeping the American public informed about this topic and I hope that this website serves as a valuable source of information as the energy debate in Congress continues. I hope that you will join me in my fight to lower gas prices and extinguish our dependency on foreign oil.  


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