Welcome to the 44th District of California
The California State flag was adopted in 1911.
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2008 Business Survey
I value your input and opinion, so please take the time to fill out and submit the email form below.
Name of Business(optional)
Nature of Business (check one and specify below)*
Manufacturing Retail Professional Services Agriculture Medical Other
Location of Business (address)
Type of Business
Corporation Partnership Sole Proprietor Franchise
Number of employees
Years in California
Years in County
Years at current location(s)
In the past 12 months have you:
Hired additional employees?
Reduced overall employment?
Kept employment the same.
If you have increased or decreased your workforce, by how many?
For 2008 do you plan to:
Hire additional employees
Reduce employment
Keep employment the same
Regarding business investment in 2008, do you plan to:
Expand current facilities
Open new facilities
Reduce facilities
Purchase capital equipment
No change
If yes, what kind of equipment?
Vehicles Machinery Computers Office equipment Other
Rep. Calvert will continue to work to make the tax rates created in 2001 and 2003 permanent. To learn more about the current tax rates for both individuals and corporations, visit www.irs.gov. You can also visit Rep. Calvert’s website and view a Congressional Research Service Report on current tax code.
Do you agree that the tax cuts should be made permanent?
If not, which rates would you raise and by how much?
Personal income Corporate income Capital gains
Enter Amount:
In your opinion, is our region’s economy:
In a recession
Heading towards a recession this year
Avoiding a recession but running flat (1-2%)
Growing well (2-4%)
Having read about the three parts of the federal stimulus package (see pg. 2), which parts, if any, will benefit you?
Tax rebates
Bonus Depreciation
Section 179 Expensing
Jumbo mortgage expansion
Regarding our regional economy, do you think that the federal stimulus package will:
Keep us out of a recession (1-2% growth)
Help, but not prevent a recession
Keep our regional economy growing (2-4%)
Have no effect
Have a negative effect
What are the biggest obstacles to your business’ growth?
Energy costs
Housing crisis
Federal regulation
State/local legislation
Traffic congestion
Federal taxation
State/local taxation
Healthcare costs
Lack of skilled/qualified employees
U.S. economic slowdown
International economic slowdown
If other, please describe:

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