Judy Biggert Congresswoman - 13th District of Illinois

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9/28/2006 12:00:00 AM
Biggert Presses for Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Legislation

U.S. Representative Judy Biggert
Remarks for the Genetic Alliance Gala
Wednesday, September 27th 6:30-8:30 am

Thank you, Sharon for that warm introduction. I am so honored to be here for this annual Gala.

I’m going to keep my remarks short because I do not ever want to be the last person standing between a hungry audience and its dinner.

Before I begin, let me take a moment to tell you what an absolutely outstanding advocate you have in Sharon Terry. She has been a true resource as we’ve worked together on genetic nondiscrimination legislation over the last two years. It’s thanks to a lot of long hours on her part that we’ve been able to move as far forward as we have -- which in my opinion is very close.

Sharon, thanks for all of your hard work and please let your family know how sorry we are for calling you in the evenings, on the weekends, and even for tracking you down in London on your vacation.

I’m pleased to be here tonight because I know we share a common vision for the future of genetic technologies: widespread investment in genetic research, widespread utilization, and widespread genetic protections.

We share this vision because we know what many individuals outside of this room don’t know.

We know that genetic technologies are a critical component of personalized medicine, preventative care, and revolutionary targeted healthcare treatments.

We know that on average each person has dozens of genetic mutations and that the healthcare benefits of genetic technologies extend beyond this room to all Americans.

Unfortunately, our laws have not kept pace with this emerging technology, and doubts about the misuse of genetic information are preventing Americans from getting tested and participating in clinical trials.

Let’s face it: the federal government invested $3.7 billion to map the human genome. Yet its potential will never be unlocked if Americans are too paranoid to get tested; currently, our laws offer them no reassurance that their tests will not be used against them by insurers or employers.

To address this problem, we need common-sense legislation like H.R. 1227, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, which would update our laws to protect individuals from genetic discrimination in health insurance and employment.

The Genetic Alliance has been the driving force behind this legislation for years -- long before you drafted me to help maneuver H.R. 1227 through the House. It’s thanks to your efforts that we are very close to passage.

As a result of your grass roots outreach this legislation continues to grow and momentum for passage continues to build. Stick with it! With your continued support and hard work I am hopeful that we will be able to pass this legislation through the House in a post-election session. Rest assured that I will not rest until this legislation is through the House.

Again, thank you for your continued support and have a wonderful evening.
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