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Blog High Level Synthesis
Statement on the Anniversary of the Virginia Tech Tragedy (April 16, 2008)











On the Anniversary of the Virginia Tech Tragedy


April 16, 2008


            I have the privilege of representing Virginia's Ninth Congressional District, of which Virginia Tech is a part.


            One year ago, a tragedy of a scale and senselessness that defied explanation befell the University, and it came to a campus that is known across the nation for its friendliness, peacefulness and close association among students and faculty.


            In the year that has passed, an incredible spirit of cohesion and determination and a generous outpouring of support from across the nation have benefited the campus, and much healing has occurred.


            The University's proud traditions and its reputation as an exemplary institution of teaching, learning and research have carried on, and the resilience of students, faculty and the community has assured for Virginia Tech a strong recovery.


            Today as we remember the enormous loss of young lives full of promise and mature lives of major contribution from a violent and inexplicable act, we also remember the poise and dignity with which the University's faculty and administration responded in a time of uncertainty;


The courage of the Virginia Tech, Montgomery County and Blacksburg first responders in a time of emergency;


The heroism of those who risked personal safety to prevent further loss of life;


The generosity of those who offered their support and financial contributions to the victims and their families in their time of greatest need;


And the remarkable spirit of the Virginia Tech community and resilience of our region when faced with great tragedy.


Today, as we remember an act of great violence, we also remember Virginia Tech's strong resurgence, and we look forward and are committed to its even greater future.

