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July 18, 2008

This afternoon I taped an interview with SCETV regarding our current energy crisis which will air during the show "The Big Picture." The main topic of discussion was whether the federal government should lift the moratorium on off-shore drilling. I believe the moratorium should be lifted and states should have the power to decide for themselves if they want to explore the deep waters off their coast for oil or natural gas. We are far too dependent on foreign sources of energy. Drilling for oil or natural gas in the deep waters off our coasts, or in ANWR, or western states is not the solution, but it has to be part of the conversation. As we move toward alternative resources like wind, solar, hydrogen, and nuclear power, we should be using domestic resources like oil, clean coal, natural gas as the bridge that moves us from our dependence to self-reliance. If you would like to watch the interview it will air on the following dates: Thursday, July 24th at 7:30 PM, Saturday, July 25th at 7:30 PM, and Sunday, July 27th at 1:00 PM.