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Congressman Barrett lends strong support to Hunter Amendment

Washington, DC –

Mr. Chairman,

I rise in support of the Hunter amendment.  Nine years ago Congress decided to build a 14 mile fence along the San Diego-Mexico border to curb drug trafficking and illegal immigration.  As a result, the number of people caught crossing the border illegally along this area dropped by nearly 200,000 in 12 years. 

Mr. Chairman, Americans are upset…they understand that too much of our border is still vulnerable.  The world is different than nine years ago and illegal entry has grown well beyond that 14 mile stretch of land.  By mandating the construction of a security fence along the five most dangerous areas of the southern border, this amendment seeks to take the next step in making our nation safer.

Additionally, I’d like to thank Chairman Hunter for working with me to include language requiring the Secretary of Homeland Security to conduct a study on the use of physical barriers along the Northern border.

I urge my colleagues support the Hunter amendment, and yield back the balance of my time.     
