Miller: “President Bush has Left Poor Children’s Health Care Behind”

WASHINGTON – By a narrow margin of 13 votes, the House fell short today in overriding President Bush’s veto of a bi-partisan bill to provide health insurance to 10 million low-income children who otherwise would not have health insurance. The vote was 273 to 156. This key vote today will not be the last word on this matter, however, as the Democratic leadership in Congress has vowed to continue its efforts to expand the number of children with health insurance.

“A bi-partisan majority of the House and the Senate supports this bill, the overwhelming majority of Americans support this bill, and yet somehow President Bush is comfortable closing the door on poor children in need of basic health care,” said Rep. George Miller (D-CA), who voted to override the president’s veto.

“The President has no credibility on this issue but he has the powerful veto pen,” Miller said. “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if he used the awesome power of the presidency to help poor kids rather than hurt them?”

The State Children's Health Insurance Program, known as SCHIP currently provides1.5 million poor children in California and 6 million children nationwide with access to health care that they would not otherwise be able to afford. The passage of this bill is necessary to maintain coverage to those who are covered now and to extend coverage to 4 million children who are eligible by the current standards but are not insured due to lack of funds in the program.

“Providing health care to poor children is one of the most fundamental responsibilities of our nation,” Miller said. “I am outraged that despite support from 81 percent of Americans, President Bush and the Republican leadership in the House prefer to play partisan games with the health of poor young Americans. Shamefully, President Bush was successful in thwarting the veto override by applying overwhelming pressure on the House Republicans.

“Providing children with health insurance is sound health policy and sound economics – as a large uninsured population is a drain on our public health system and the cost to taxpayers is an enormous burden. The Democratic leadership in Congress will not give up on this issue and we will immediately renew our efforts to continue to cover those in the program today and to expand children’s health insurance to children who need it but do not have it today.”

health schip veto

Posted by BDM-Staff at October 18, 07 12:00 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

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