WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman George Miller denounced President Bush today for vetoing a bi-partisan bill to expand stem cell research that Congress approved this spring.

“President Bush has once again dashed the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans looking to scientific advancements for possible cures for debilitating and deadly diseases,” said Miller (D-CA). “Congress passed the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act earlier this month with a strong bipartisan majority and I had hoped that the President would finally reconsider his opposition to help the millions of American’s suffering from Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cancer and other ailments. The vast majority of Californians and Americans across the country believe we should move forward in this field but the President refuses to listen to them or to the Congress. This latest veto is unacceptable and Congress will continue to fight for life-saving embryonic stem cell research.”

The stem cell bill would have lifted federal restrictions on the number of embryonic stem cell lines scientists are able to use for research. The bill included strict ethical standards that limited federal funds to stem cell lines generated from embryos that would otherwise be discarded by fertility clinics and also created an ethical framework to be followed in conducting embryonic stem cell research under the guidance of the National Institutes of Health.

More than 72 percent of Americans support embryonic stem cell research and this bill was supported by more than 500 organizations, including the American Medical Association, AARP, Association of American Medical Colleges, and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, as well as many faith-based groups.

health human rights veto

Posted by Peake, Amy at June 20, 07 06:41 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

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