June 2008 Archives

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Use it or Lose it


Oil companies do not need more places to drill – they are sitting on 68 million acres of federal lands – or 81 percent of U.S. oil reserves – that they have already leased but have not developed for drilling.

Rep. Miller supports the "Use it or Lose it" policy advocated by Congressional Democrats.

The Responsible Federal Oil and Gas Lease Act (Use it or Lose it) compels the oil industry to start drilling or lose permits on the 68 million acres of undeveloped federal oil reserves which they are currently warehousing, keeping domestic supply lower and prices higher.

For more information about the action Rep. George Miller is taking to create a modern energy policy, sign up for the Miller e-newsletter.

energyandenvironment gas prices global warming

Posted by Peake, Amy at 11:31PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Miller supports three key votes on energy


The offshore drilling proposal being championed by President Bush and Senator John McCain is another page from the Administration's energy policy that was literally written by the oil industry: give away more public resources to the very same oil companies that are raking in record profits and sitting on 68 million acres of federal lands they've already leased.

It would take until the year 2030 before offshore oil drilling would reach full production, and even then the cost of gas would only be reduced by one penny per gallon.

Solving the energy crisis and developing a modern energy policy is complicated. But by starting to curb our oil addiction, investing in new technology, and thinking about conservation we can move in a new direction.

Rep. Miller supported the following three bills:

Saving Energy Through Public Transportation Act of 2008 - Gives grants to mass transit authorities to lower fares for commuters pinched at the pump and expand transit services. More…

The Energy Markets Emergency Act – That closes the "Enron-like London Loophole" for Petroleum Markets and takes steps to curb excessive speculation in the energy futures markets, which experts have noted is driving up the price of a barrel of oil. More …

Responsible Federal Oil and Gas Lease Act
- "Use It Or Lose It" for Oil Companies Holding Permits and Not Drilling. Compels the oil industry to start drilling or lose permits on the 68 million acres of undeveloped federal oil reserves which they are currently warehousing, keeping domestic supply lower and prices higher. More…

Democrats are fighting to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and bring down gas prices, and launch a cleaner, smarter energy future for America that lowers costs and creates hundreds of thousands of green jobs.

For more information about the action Rep. George Miller is taking to create a modern energy policy, sign up for the Miller e-newsletter.

economy energyandenvironment gas prices

Posted by Peake, Amy at 10:59PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

$9 million approved for Contra Costa Environmental Projects

$9.8 Million in earmarks for critical environmental projects in Contra Costa County win initial approval, Miller announces

The innovative water recycling projects in Pittsburg and several other Bay Area communities won initial approval for $9 million in federal assistance yesterday, announced Congressman George Miller (D-Martinez), who requested the funding for this long-planned and critically needed drought relief project. Funding for Los Vaqueros Reservoir and Mount Diablo Mine cleanup won initial approval for $400,000 each, funding that Miller sought from the House Subcommittee on Energy and Water Appropriations along with two Bay Area colleagues.

“This is just the first step but it is a giant step for water recycling,” Miller said today. “For several years, I have been working closely with officials from Pittsburg and other bay Area communities to reduce their use of freshwater from the San Francisco Bay Delta and use instead recycled water for certain projects that will reduce the total demand on the strained Delta ecosystem. At a time of severe and likely long-term drought, this federal assistance for recycled water projects is critical to help California move to a modern water future.”

Miller and other California lawmakers had pushed for $50 million in all to help water recycling projects nationwide. The subcommittee agreed this week and the full House Appropriations Committee approved the funding yesterday.

appropriations baydelta contra costa districtmatters energyandenvironment pittsburg water

Posted by Peake, Amy at 07:41PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)