July 2007 Archives

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WASHINGTON, DC Following through on one of the Democrats top six pledges for early congressional action this year, the House of Representatives today approved the toughest ethics and lobby reform legislation since the Watergate era. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), a long-time advocate of open government, lobbying reform, and campaign finance reform, voted for the landmark bill.

With the Senate expected to approve an identical version of the bill later this week, passage of this bill signals a significant achievement by Congress since Democrats were elected to the majority in November.

This bill will take Congress in a new direction toward honest leadership and open government, said Miller. It is a big step toward ending the culture of corruption in Washington that understandably fueled voter anger at 12 years of Republican rule in Congress.

The lobby reform bill, called the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007, was approved 411 to 8 and makes a number of significant reforms affecting Members of Congress, Senators and lobbyists.

lobby veterans

Posted by JTH-Staff at 08:52PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

Jennifer Collier, Concord teacher, choosen to travel to DC

A government high school teacher from Concord has been selected to spend a week in Washington, D.C. this summer to learn first hand about how Congress works, Congressman George Miller (D-Martinez) announced today.

children contra costa districtmatters schools

Posted by Peake, Amy at 06:17PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)


WASHINGTON -- The House of Representatives approved legislation today to fund programs under the Departments of Commerce and Justice and other federal agencies, including several program in Richmond and Contra Costa County. The annual funding bill, which contains support for three programs included at the request of Congressman George Miller (D-CA), must also be approved by the Senate and win support from President Bush before these services can be funded.

"I am pleased the House is supporting these valuable services in Richmond and the county to help young people and to enhance communication between local enforcement agencies," said Miller.

The three programs in the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies bill that Miller won funding for total $1 million and are described below.

appropriations richmond

Posted by JTH-Staff at 09:18PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)