• The New D.C. Reality: What a Democratic Congressional Majority means to the Country.
    Nov 23, 2006  - For the 15th time since the Civil War, control of Congress has changed from one party to the other. This means that the voters have “switched parties” about once every nine years since 1866. So, this is not an unusual event. By now, you have no doubt read or heard endless analysis about why this h... More
  • Campbell Statement on Passing of Milton Friedman
    Nov 16, 2006  - U.S. Rep. John Campbell (R-Calif.) made the following statement today about the passing of Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman: “Today, our nation and the world lost a great mind and an individual dedicated to the advancement of personal freedom. Milton Friedman’s contributions to the stu... More
  • The State of Things: There are things done and things left undone in the nation and the state. -- OC Metro
    Oct 26, 2006  - As you are aware, it is election season. All of the House of Representatives, a third of the Senate, California’s governor and state constitutional offices, 100 members of our legislature and numerous local offices are on the ballot. So where are we as a nation? What has been accomplished in the pas... More
  • Campbell optimistic after border visit-The Daily Pilot
    Oct 10, 2006  - A Monday trip to the U.S.-Mexico border left Newport Beach Rep. John Campbell convinced that American authorities have made progress in preventing illegal crossings, and things are on the way to getting even better. The U.S. doesn't yet have full control of its borders, but we're getting there, C... More
  • A Contract Against America: What congressional Democrats won’t tell you about their plan for America.-- OC Metro
    Sep 28, 2006  - In 1994, Democrats were swept out of the majority in both the House and the Senate in a national Republican tide. Today, Republicans still have majorities in both chambers, but Democratic leaders in Congress would like to believe that the upcoming 2006 elections will be 1994 in reverse. One factor... More
  • House Approves Package of Border Security Legislation
    Sep 21, 2006  - Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed three pieces of legislation to strengthen border security and improve the enforcement of immigration laws. U.S. Rep. John Campbell (R-Irvine), a supporter and cosponsor of the proposals, made the following statement: “Under current law, we are not ad... More
  • House Approves Construction of a Border Fence:
    Sep 14, 2006  - Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Secure Fence Act of 2006, legislation to build more than 700 miles of fence and enhance surveillance along the southwest border. U.S. Rep. John Campbell (R-Irvine) a cosponsor of this bill made the following statement regarding its passage: “Cons... More
  • House Brings Transparency to Federal Spending:
    Sep 14, 2006  - Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution (H.Res. 1000) to reform the Congressional earmark process. This is the second bill passed in as many days to add accountability to the federal spending process. Yesterday, the House passed the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparenc... More
  • Earmark Reform Legislation
    Sep 14, 2006  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. Mr. Speaker, I have been in this House for less than a year, not a very long time, but it is long enough to know that this is real reform. In the first 90 days after I was elected to this House, I received 70, that is 7-0, requests for various earmarks. A whole lot of t... More
  • THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE: Campbell Candid on pork-The Daily Pilot
    Sep 6, 2006  - Congressional representatives generally find ways to avoid rules they don't like. If Newport Beach Rep. John Campbell is successful, his colleagues will soon be trying to dance around a new requirement that bills containing earmarks disclose who requested them and what the money is for. Earmarks ... More