• Senate Democratic Whip Says End Iraq War to Pay for Bailout - CNSNews
    Sep 26, 2008  - Senate Democratic Whip Richard Durbin (Ill.) told CNSNews.com yesterday that one way Congress can pay for the proposed $700 billion bailout of the financial industry is to end the war in Iraq.    When asked whether federal spending should be cut in order to help fund the bailout package,... More
  • Israel's 60th Anniversary
    May 20, 2008  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. Mr. Speaker, in 1948, the United Nations established the Nation of Israel so that a dispossessed and tyrannized people might have the opportunity to return to their historic homeland. Now, 60 years later, what does Israel stand for in our world community of nations... More
  • Shuffling Earmarks
    Nov 21, 2007  - Recently, President Bush requested $196 billion to fund troops in Iraq, but so far the Democratic Leadership has been mired in disagreement on how or if those funds will be appropriated.   Earlier this week, Sens. Tom Coburn (R-OK), Jim DeMint (R-SC), and John McCain (R-AZ) called on Secretary of... More
  • THAT’S DEBATABLE:Resolution or Relationship?--The Daily Pilot
    Oct 11, 2007  - A House committee approved a bill Wednesday recognizing the mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks in 1915 as genocide. Turkish officials warn the U.S. that if Congress approves this resolution, Turkey may cut logistic support for U.S. troops in Iraq. Where do you stand on this resolution and w... More
  • Campbell Resolution Condemning UN Human Rights Council Passes House
    Sep 25, 2007  - The U.S. House of Representatives today approved a resolution offered by U.S. Rep. John Campbell (CA-48) condemning the United Nations Human Rights Council for ignoring human rights abuses in various countries, while unfairly targeting Israel. The resolution, H. Res. 557, which Rep. Campbell co-auth... More
  • Opposing singling out Israel's Human Rights Record
    Sep 25, 2007  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. I thank the gentlelady from Florida for yielding, and I thank the gentleman from Washington for his support and supportive words about this bill. And most of all, I thank my coauthor in this effort, Mr. Berman, my friend and fellow Californian, for his involvement and eff... More
  • THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE: U.S. may take action in Iran-The Daily Pilot
    Sep 19, 2007  - Economic sanctions should be enough to discourage Iran from developing nuclear weapons, but the U.S. still should be prepared for military action, Newport Beach Rep. John Campbell said this week. Speaking to Congress last week about the situation in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus said Iran is providin... More
  • Outcry Over War Supplemental Spending Abuse Grows
    Mar 23, 2007  - Posted by: John Campbell  at 11:09 AM Just in case you thought the conservatives on Capitol Hill were the only ones up in arms over the pork filled appropriations bill meant to fund the war, in an editorial this morning, the Washington Post criticized the bill because of the reckless withdraw p... More
  • Young Hero will not be Forgotten -- OC Metro
    Mar 15, 2007  - On Jan. 15 Lt. Mark J. Daily was killed while fighting in Iraq. He lived in the congressional district I am privileged to represent. He lived in Irvine where my family lives. I never met Mark Daily. But I know him. And so do you. How could any of us know someone we never met? Let me explain. There... More
  • This is actually World War IV: How lessons from prior global conflicts will help us win the war on terrorism.-- OC Metro
    Aug 31, 2006  - The latest developments in the Middle East are a clear reminder of what the global war on terrorism really is: our fourth world war. We should use the lessons from the prior world wars to ensure we win the current one with a minimum of bloodshed. Now, in case I lost you a second ago, and you are sti... More