• I see dead...doctors?
    Jul 16, 2008  - According to a recent report from the Washington Post, medical suppliers have billed Medicare up to $92 million dollars for wheelchairs and various other pieces of home medical equipment.  Unfortunately for the American taxpayer, those claims were filed using the names and identification number... More
  • THAT'S DEBATEABLE: Should Medicare payments be cut? - Daily Pilot
    Jul 16, 2008  - George W. Bush vetoed a bill, which Congress quickly overrode, that would stop a 10.6% cut in Medicare payments to physicians and boost them 1.1% next year. Many Republicans opposed the legislation because the money to pay for it would come from more than $12 billion in reserve to pay private insura... More
  • Reagan21
    Nov 1, 2007  - Since I have been in Washington, I have recognized the need for a revitalization and rejuvenation of the Republican Party.  Republicans have a proud tradition of upholding Ronald Reagan’s principles of liberty and a vision for the 21st Century. That vision is a America that espouses individual freed... More
  • Inking The Budget
    Jun 20, 2007  - Below is an op/ed I penned for the Washington Times about fiscal responsibility.  Later today, I will join Republican Study Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling, Republican Leader John Boehner, and Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Jerry Lewis in delivering a letter to President Bush, signed by 1... More
  • Bernanke To Congress: Reform Entitlements
    Apr 25, 2007  - On the heels of the announcement this week, by the Social Security and Medicare Trustees, that entitlement spending continues to travel down a path to disaster, I wanted to bring to light some insightful quotes I heard delivered by Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. He made the... More
  • New Figures on the Looming Entitlment Crisis
    Apr 24, 2007  - Yesterday, the Social Security and Medicare Trustees issued their annual report on the health of entitlement programs. The figures are now projecting that Social Security will begin paying out more money than it takes in by 2017, and in 2041, the Social Security Trust Fund will be entirely exhausted... More
  • Campbell Opposes Reckless Medicare Changes
    Jan 12, 2007  - Today, U.S. Rep. John Campbell (R-Calif.), chairman of the Republican Study Committee’s Budget and Spending Taskforce issued the following statement regarding H.R. 4, the Democratic legislation to create inefficient price controls in the Medicare drug program: “Once again the new Democratic leaders... More