• Bet On Higher Taxes
    Mar 10, 2008  - During last week's budget debate, Republican Rodney Alexander (LA) offered 2 amendments to the budget resolution which added the Clinton and Obama socialized medicine plans to the budget. These amendments were defeated with all Democrats voting No. Why would Republicans offer such a thing? Not bec... More
  • Reagan21
    Nov 1, 2007  - Since I have been in Washington, I have recognized the need for a revitalization and rejuvenation of the Republican Party.  Republicans have a proud tradition of upholding Ronald Reagan’s principles of liberty and a vision for the 21st Century. That vision is a America that espouses individual freed... More
  • SCHIP & Subprime -- The California Republic
    Oct 11, 2007  - You probably hadn't heard the acronym SCHIP before. But you are certainly hearing plenty now. SCHIP stands for State Children's Health Insurance Program. This program was started back under the Republican-controlled Congress in 1997 to give federal matching money to states to assist in providing hea... More
  • The President Just Vetoed The SCHIP Bill...
    Oct 3, 2007  - Today the President vetoed the controversial SCHIP bill that passed the house by a vote of 265-159 last Tuesday.   The House will not take up a provision to override the veto until October 17th as Democrat leadership knows they don't have the votes (at least 15 short) and they hope that liberal grou... More
  • Well, It Didn't Take Long
    Sep 11, 2007  - Congress has only been back in session for a week and already, they are finding new ways to waste your money….this time to the tune of $4 billion.   The West Los Angeles Medical Center, sits on some of the most valuable real estate on the West Coast.  Many of you may have seen it on the west side ... More
  • Using Children To Support Socialized Medicine And Increase Your Taxes
    Jul 31, 2007  - The State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP) has been a hot topic in Congress over the past week and, as I write this, Democrat leadership is scurrying about to try and roundup the needed votes to pass this legislation. So what is the problem? Surely something that has the words "Children'... More
  • And You Thought There Was No Way Democrats Could Create A 20,000 Percent Tax Increase...
    Jul 19, 2007  - The Democrats in Congress are anxious for universal health care, but to pay for this expensive and intrusive endeavor they have decided to increase taxes on tobacco, always a popular target. In order to raise $35 billion to $50 billion dollars to expand the state children's health insurance program ... More
  • Bernanke To Congress: Reform Entitlements
    Apr 25, 2007  - On the heels of the announcement this week, by the Social Security and Medicare Trustees, that entitlement spending continues to travel down a path to disaster, I wanted to bring to light some insightful quotes I heard delivered by Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. He made the... More
  • 1 in 2 Americans Dependent on Federal Government
    Apr 16, 2007  - As reported today in the Christian Science Monitor, a study prepared by economist Gary Shilling has found that 1 in 2 Americans now receive income from federal government programs, an increase from from 1 in 4 in 1950.  It is apparant that entitlements like Social Security and government healthcare ... More
  • A Culture of Government -- OC Metro
    Feb 15, 2007  - Medicare faces many problems these days. Costs are going up and coverage is declining. The federal bureaucracy that establishes pricing for medical procedures can’t keep up with all the new practices being developed. Further, all of the so-called entitlement programs (Medicare, Social Security, Medi... More