• National Earmarks for Security
    Sep 12, 2008  - It’s no secret that this Congress has had a problem passing appropriations bills on time.  Last year, we resorted to passing a giant omnibus bill at the last minute, and this year we likely will recess until after the election by passing a continuing resolution (CR), to fund the government at i... More
  • We Will Never Forget
    Sep 11, 2008  - I know most of you will never forget where you were on September 11, 2001. I know I certainly won’t. That day has been permanently ingrained in the minds of Americans.  The attacks still resonate in the hearts and minds of Americans. But when we remember the 7th anniversary of that fateful day,... More
  • THAT’S DEBATABLE: Should Congress block contract with Airbus?- The Daily Pilot
    Mar 12, 2008  - The Air Force recently awarded a $40 billion aircraft contract to the France-based Airbus consortium, bypassing Chicago-based Boeing. The move has outraged some in Congress because they believe it will ship jobs and money overseas. Should Congress step in and try to block the contract? As I’ve sa... More
  • Berkeley's Faux Pas
    Feb 14, 2008  - By now, I am sure you are well aware of the outrage that has engulfed the nation regarding Berkeley City Council’s criticism of the Marine Corps and their recruiting station in Berkeley California. Those of you that frequently read my blog know that I have taken the lead in calling for earmark ref... More
  • Semper Fi Part II
    Feb 13, 2008  - I have received many comments and emails in response to the Semper Fi Act that I introduced into the House of Representatives last week.  I feel that it is necessary to give you an update on what has happened since my posting last week. The nation has literally erupted in protest in reaction to t... More
  • Campbell, House Republican Leaders Introduce Semper Fi Act of 2008
    Feb 6, 2008  - Today, U.S. Congressman John Campbell (R-California) and House Republican Leaders introduced the Semper Fi Act of 2008 to rescind over $2 million in hidden earmarks for Berkeley, California in the 2008 Omnibus Appropriations bill, and to transfer the funds to the Marine Corps. U.S. Senator Jim DeMin... More
  • Semper Fi
    Feb 6, 2008  - You might have heard about Berkeley’s City Council's recent vote to tell the Marines to close their recruiting station in the city. With this vote, they told the Marines that their recruiting office is not welcome in their city, and if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as an uninvited and unwelc... More
  • Terrorism Risk Insurance Reauthorization Act of 2007(TRIA)
    Dec 18, 2007  - Mr. CAMPBELL of California. Mr. Speaker, I opposed both the earlier versions of this bill, of the TRIA bill, but I support this one. This bill is shorter in duration, and it requires more participation by the private sector. Effectively, in the bill the Federal Government is a backstop, a reinsurer ... More
  • Shuffling Earmarks
    Nov 21, 2007  - Recently, President Bush requested $196 billion to fund troops in Iraq, but so far the Democratic Leadership has been mired in disagreement on how or if those funds will be appropriated.   Earlier this week, Sens. Tom Coburn (R-OK), Jim DeMint (R-SC), and John McCain (R-AZ) called on Secretary of... More
  • Taxpayer Funded CaddyShack
    Nov 9, 2007  - Late at night, a new earmark was snuck into the Defense Appropriations bill. It is $3 million for a golf school for minority children. That's right. $3 million of your tax money to teach kids to play golf......out of the DEFENSE budget. The earmark was put in there by James Clyburn (D-SC). Not coinc... More