• THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE: Chamber awards Campbell - Daily Pilot
    Apr 23, 2008  - U.S. Rep. John Campbell recently garnered recognition from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for his business-friendly voting record. “I appreciate the Chamber of Commerce for taking the time to recognize members of Congress who are committed to removing trade barriers and encouraging free enterprise,... More
  • Campbell Recieves Spirit of Enterprise Award
    Apr 21, 2008  - Recently, the United States Chamber of Commerce presented Representative John Campbell (CA-48) with its prestigious Spirit of Enterprise Award for his support of pro-growth legislation during the second session of the 110th Congress. “I am honored to have received this award, and I appreciate the C... More
  • THAT’S DEBATABLE: Should Congress block contract with Airbus?- The Daily Pilot
    Mar 12, 2008  - The Air Force recently awarded a $40 billion aircraft contract to the France-based Airbus consortium, bypassing Chicago-based Boeing. The move has outraged some in Congress because they believe it will ship jobs and money overseas. Should Congress step in and try to block the contract? As I’ve sa... More