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Defense And Veterans Affairs

63. H.R. 801, to expand and increase funds for several Veterans Affairs Department programs, including those related to veterans’ educational, retirement, life insurance and death benefits. Yes. Passed 417-0, under suspension of rules. 3/27/01.

64. H.R. 811, to authorize $550 million in construction funding in FY 2002-03 to improve veterans’ health care facilities. Yes. Passed 417-0, under suspension of rules. 3/27/01.

109. H.R. 1696, to direct the American Battlefield Monuments Commission to expeditiously begin construction of the World War II Memorial at the Rainbow Pool on the National Mall and state that the monument’s previously approved design and siting are final, meet all applicable laws, and are not subject to administrative or judicial review. Yes. Passed 400-15, under suspension of rules. 5/15/01.

166. H.R. 1291, to increase education benefits under the Montgomery GI Bill for military veterans pursuing full-time study through FY 2004, and provide that assistance for veterans with three years or more of service would increase from $650 per month to $1,100 over three years, and benefits for those with two years of service and four years of reserve duty would increase from $528 per month to $894. Yes. Passed 416-0, under suspension of rules. 6/19/01.

301. H.R. 2540, Veterans Benefits Act of 2001 to authorize a cost-of-living raise for various veterans’ benefits, expand disability compensation for Persian Gulf War veterans with undiagnosed illnesses, and make other changes to Veterans Affairs programs. Yes. Passed 422-0, under suspension of rules. 7/31/01.

342. H.J.Res. 64, to authorize the President to use all necessary and appropriate military force against the nations, organizations or people that he determines planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred against the United States on September 11, 2001, or that harbored such organizations or people, to prevent future acts of terrorism against the United States. Yes. Passed 420-1. 9/14/01.

344. H.R. 2904, to provide $10.5 billion in FY 2002 appropriations for military construction projects including the building of barracks, family housing and medical facilities. Yes. Passed 401-0. 9/21/01.

356. H.R. 2586, FY 2002 National Defense Authorization Act. Amendment to set up a task force on counterterrorism and drug interdiction by either the Treasury or Justice departments and allow military personnel to help patrol U.S. borders. Yes. Passed 242-173. 9/25/01.

357. H.R. 2586. Amendment to allow female military personnel stationed at U.S. bases overseas to undergo an abortion at medical facilities there provided they pay for it themselves and a doctor consents to perform the operation. No. Failed 199-217. 9/25/01.

358. H.R. 2586. Motion to recommit the bill to the House Armed Services Committee with instructions to strike section 331 and restore committee language requiring that the Defense Department allow federal employees to compete with private companies for contracts. No. Failed 197-221. 9/25/01.

359. H.R. 2586. On passage of the bill to authorize $343 billion in FY 2002 for defense programs, including some $125 billion for operations and maintenance; $82 billion for military personnel; $62 billion for weapons procurement; $48 billion for research and development; $13 billion for the Energy Department, and $10 billion for military construction and family housing. Yes. Passed 398-17. 9/25/01.

362. H.R. 2904, FY 2002 military construction appropriations. Motion to instruct House conferees to insist on the House position on all items included in the House-passed bill for overseas military construction. Yes. Passed 417-1. 10/2/01.

391. S. 1438, FY 2002 defense authorization. Motion to close portions of the conference on the bill when classified information is discussed. Yes. Passed 420-0. 10/17/01.

394. H.R. 2094, to agree to the conference report on the bill to provide $10.5 billion in FY 2002 appropriations for military construction projects. Yes. Passed 409-1. 10/17/01.

457. H.R. 3338, FY 2002 defense appropriations. Amendment to prohibit the use of community development funds for any purpose except wage supplements and health insurance assistance for unemployed workers. No. Failed 201-220. 11/28/01.

458. H.R. 3338. On passage of the bill to provide $317.5 billion in FY 2002 appropriations for the Department of Defense and allocate $20 billion in emergency supplemental spending enacted after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11. Yes. Passed 406-20. 11/28/01.

494. H.R. 3338, FY 2002 defense appropriations. Motion to instruct House conferees to insist on the maximum levels within the scope of conference for defense, homeland security, transportation security and local recovery efforts from the terrorist attacks of September 11. Yes. Passed 370-44. 12/12/01.

495. H.R. 3338. Motion to close conference committee meetings to the public during consideration of classified national security information. Yes. Passed 407-0. 12/12/01.

496. S. 1438, to agree to the conference to authorize $343 billion in FY 2002 for the Department of Defense and related programs. Yes. Passed 382-40. 12/13/01.

510. H.R. 3338, to agree to the conference report to provide $317 billion in FY 2002 appropriations for the Department of Defense and related agencies, and allocate $20 billion enacted as emergency supplemental appropriations on September 18 including funding for homeland defense and assistance to New York City and other areas directly affected by the September 11 terrorist attacks. Yes. Passed 408-6. 12/20/01.