Indian Point


Congressman Eliot Engel issued the following statement against the relicensing of Indian Point:

“The Nuclear Regulatory Commission should consider the poor safety record of the Indian Point nuclear facility, and its location so close to the largest metropolitan area in the United States in refusing to issue a renewal license for it to continue operating.

“There have been continual shutdowns at Indian Point and it is now in the process of cleaning up a radioactive spill whose source it still has not found. It has an evacuation plan that the Supervisors of the surrounding four counties refused to certify for the very good reason that it is unrealistic and unworkable.

“Its proximity to New York City and its suburbs is especially troubling since it is a natural target for terrorists, and a plane that crashed into the World Trade Center flew over Indian Point on its way there. Further, plans for nuclear facilities were found in caves in Afghanistan, demonstrating the terrorist threat.

“Indian Point would never be approved today for its present location, so close to a large population and vital economic area. The NRC should deny the license renewal, and we should get on with plans to replace this facility.”


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