No Child Left Behind

As a father of three and a former schoolteacher, I have some concerns regarding the No Child Left Behind Law (NCLB). When I voted for (NCLB) in 2001, I was assured that the law would be fully funded. However, since NCLB was enacted, the law has never been fully funded. I believe that if we are going to set high standards for schools but not give them the resources to achieve those goals, then we are setting up our schools to fail. Recently, the Bush Administration has proposed extending NCLB to high schools. I believe that we must first fully fund NCLB and work out all the difficulties that schools are having before we extend the law to high schools. The United States public education system is something we should all be proud of. We have an obligation to ensure that all young Americans the right same opportunities without regard to their sex, race, ethnicity or economic status.

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