
Knollenberg Introduces Health Care Bill
Legislation Promotes Wellness in the Workplace

Botsford Hospital Tour II


Washington, Feb 13, 2007 -  Congressman Joe Knollenberg introduced H.R. 853, “The Wellness and Prevention Act of 2007,” today to encourage businesses to offer wellness programs in the workplace. The bill offers companies a $200 tax credit for every employee who participates in a wellness program that includes screenings for chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes and educational seminars on healthy eating, exercise, and managing stress. Employees who participate in the program will also receive a $200 tax credit.

“An ounce of prevention is still worth a pound of cure,” Knollenberg said. “We need to focus on preventing chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease from happening in the first place. My bill is designed to empower companies to help their workers take control of their own health care. This will lead to healthier Americans and more affordable health care.”

Knollenberg’s wellness bill was praised by Beaumont Hospital, the second largest employer in the congressman’s district. Daniel Zembrzuski, director of the Beaumont Employee Health Plan, said, "We know from our experience as an employer that providing financial incentives for employee wellness programs does improve a person's health status. And we also know, as a provider of health care services, that health care costs increase due to the effects of smoking, obesity, lack of exercise and other poor health habits. Giving both employers and employees a financial incentive for wellness programs is a win-win for everyone."

While the prospects for comprehensive health care passing in this Congress are slim, Knollenberg believes his bill can earn bipartisan support and be enacted. “We should not allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good. Health care is a complex and contentious issue. There is a lot to be ironed out before a comprehensive compromise can be struck. My wellness bill is a good way to promote healthy living in the work place and reduce the costs of health insurance for companies. Congress should pass it this year.”

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