The House Floor

Legislation | The House Floor | Voting Record | Floor Statements

What's Happening on the House Floor Now

Click here to find out what is happening on the House floor right now.

Watch the House Floor

Go to C-SPAN to watch the Floor proceedings live from your computer.

What's Coming Up Soon in the House

Two good sources of information of Floor activity are the Majority Leader and the Majority Whip. Congressional staffers routinely read the four following documents during the week to get information on pending legislation.

The Daily Leader
The Daily Leader has a daily rundown of what the day's Floor activity will look like.

The Weekly Leader
The Weekly Leader gives a summary of the week's Floor activity.

The Daily WhipLine
The WhipLine contains a detailed summary of the legislation that will be considered on the House Floor that day.

The Whip Pack
The Whip Pack is a compilation of summaries of all the major pieces of legislation that will be considered by the House during the week.

Recorded Votes on the House Floor

The Clerk of the House of Representatives keeps a list of all of the recorded votes that have taken place on the Floor of the House. Click the links below to see the list of votes for each session from the 108th to 110th Congresses.