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Foreign Affairs And Trade

  • 70. H.R. 3782, to raise the maximum reward available under the State Department’s reward program from $5 million to $25 million for information leading to the arrest or conviction of foreign terrorists or narco-terrorists; provide that any information that leads to the disruption of terrorist financing networks would also be eligible for a reward, and authorize up to $50 million for the capture of a leader of a foreign terrorist organization. Yes.  Passed 414-0, under suspension of rules. 3/18/04.
  • 124. H.R. 4019, to authorize the secretary of State to endorse and obtain observer status for Taiwan at the annual week summit of the World Health Assembly in May 2004 in Geneva, Switzerland. Yes.  Passed 416-0, under suspension of rules. 4/21/04.
  • 232. H.J.Res. 97, to extend for a year import restrictions on products from Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, until the president certifies that the Myanmar government has made significant progress toward practicing democracy and ending human rights violations. Yes.  Passed 372-2, under suspension of rules. 6/14/04.
  • 289. H.R. 4053, United States International Leadership Act to direct the State Department to establish a caucus of democratic countries at the United Nations and other international organizations to promote common positions on issues. Yes.  Passed 365-56, under suspension of rules. 6/23/04.
  • 372. H.Res. 705, to urge the president to report to Congress in 2005 on efforts to resolve the World Trade Organization’s disparate treatment of direct and indirect taxes, which allows indirect taxes on exports to be rebated. Yes.  Passed 423-1, under suspension of rules. 7/14/04.
  • 375. H.R. 4759, to implement a trade agreement reducing tariffs and trade barriers between the United States and Australia, giving all U.S. agricultural exports to Australia immediate duty-free access, phasing out U.S. duties on Australian beef and lamb exports, and increasing slightly the current U.S. quota for Australian dairy exports. Yes.  Passed 314-109. 7/14/04.
  • 380. H.R. 4818, FY 2005 foreign operations appropriations. Amendment to cut $359 million in funding for the World Bank and increase funding for the child survival program by $290 million. No.  Failed 111-312. 7/15/04.
  • 381. H.R. 4818. Amendment to increase funding for economic aid to Egypt by $570 million and offset the cost by reducing military aid to Egypt. No. Failed 131-287. 7/15/04.
  • 382. H.R. 4818. Amendment to increase funding for the Millennium Challenge Corporation by $250 million and for the president’s Global HIV/AIDS initiative by $90 million and offset the cost by cutting $425 million from the U.S. contribution to the World Bank. No.  Failed 133-288. 7/15/04.
  • 383. H.R. 4818. Amendment to eliminate funding for the Millennium Challenge account. No.  Failed 41-379. 7/15/04.
  • 385. H.R. 4818. Amendment to add language to prohibit use of funds in the bill by any official of the U.S. government to request the United Nations to assess the validity of elections in the United States. Yes.  Passed 243-161. 7/15/04.
  • 386. H.R. 4818. Amendment to prohibit the Export-Import Bank from approving direct loans or loan guarantees to companies incorporated in Bermuda, Barbados, the Cayman Islands, Antigua or Panama. Yes.  Passed 270-132. 7/15/04.
  • 387. H.R. 4818. Amendment to prohibit Economic Support Fund assistance to the government of any country that is a party to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and has yet to pledge that it would not surrender U.S. nationals to the ICC. Yes.  Passed 241-166. 7/15/04.
  • 388. H.R. 4818. Amendment to require at least $5 million in agricultural development funds for sub-Saharan Africa be made available for small-scale irrigation, water and drainage, post-harvest storage, crop intensification, crop and livestock diversification and rural infrastructure. No.  Failed 164-243. 7/15/04.
  • 389. H.R. 4818. Amendment to prohibit any funds in the bill from being used for assistance to Saudi Arabia. No.  Passed 217-191. 7/15/04.
  • 390. H.R. 4818. On passage of the bill to provide $19.4 billion in FY 2005 appropriations for foreign operations. Yes.  Passed 365-41. 7/15/04.
  • 391. H.R. 1587, Vietnam Human Rights Act to freeze annual non-humanitarian assistance to Vietnam at FY 2004 levels unless the president submits a report showing that Vietnam has made progress in respecting religious freedom, property rights and human rights. Yes.  Passed 323-45, under suspension of rules. 7/19/04.
  • 393. S. 2264, to express the sense of Congress that the U.S. government should work to support a peaceful resolution of the conflict in northern and eastern Uganda and require the State Department to submit a report to Congress on the Ugandan conflict. Yes.  Passed 371-1, under suspension of rules. 7/19/04.
  • 413. H.R. 4842, on passage of the bill to implement the U.S.-Morocco free trade agreement to reduce tariffs and trade barriers between the United States and Morocco. Yes. Passed 323-99. 7/22/04.
  • 508. H.R. 5061, Comprehensive Peace in Sudan Act to authorize $450 million over three years for humanitarian assistance in the Darfur region of western Sudan and in eastern Chad and for reconstruction projects in southern Sudan. Yes.  Passed 412-3, under suspension of rules. 10/7/04.