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The Honorable Tim Bishop
One Minute Statement
May 11, 2006


Mr. Speaker, with only 5 days before the deadline to sign-up for the Medicare drug benefit, only 9 percent of eligible New Yorkers have voluntarily signed up for it.


Why such low enrollment?  Could it be that seniors have 47 daunting choices of plans that keep changing?  That’s like trying to tackle a moving target.


Could it be that a third of the calls answered by Medicare operators result in inaccurate information or none at all?  Could there be a more clear-cut case for extending the sign up deadline?   


Clearly, the President disagrees.  To him, the “D” in Part D stands for “deadline.”  But he’s not a senior or a disabled American who needs – and deserves – more time, and to whom “D” stands for disaster.


After holding a dozen town hall meetings over the past 6 months, I join with my colleagues today in calling upon the Republicans to extend the deadline, penalty free, through the end of this year. 


For 9 of 10 eligible New Yorkers who haven’t chosen a plan yet, but must pick from among 47 plans, another 6 months will go a long way toward helping them choose a plan that’s right for them.



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