Remarks Made by Rep. Sue Myrick

Press Conference

Re: Senate Immigration Proposal

May 21, 2007



I will not support the Senate immigration bill.


It is amnesty wrapped up in 1,000 pages.


It doesn't take 1,000 pages to say...illegal.


Illegal immigration has been out of control for at least 10 yrs.


The feds chose to ignore it because not enough states were affected—only border states.


Finally a few years ago there were enough states with the problem that it created critical mass in Congress and we began to address it.


The House of Reps. passed a tough border security bill which also made illegal border crossing a felony to put some teeth into the law.

The Senate refused to pass it.


So the House put tough border security measures in DHLS and Defense bills, which passed last year and became law - but still couldn't get  felony  status.


Those security measures are currently working in areas with a fence, as border crossings are down 30%.   But other areas are wide open!


Back to current Senate bill


Enforcement provisions are better than before, but it is unrealistic that those measures will be implemented in 18 mos. as things authorized 2 years ago still are not finished.


No way to verify who was here before Jan. 2007 – that opens the door for more illegals to pour across the border before security is in place.


Illegal behavior is rewarded with a Z visa that would allow illegals to live and work  legally in the US and put them on a path to citizenship - which is a slap in the face to 4 million waiting in line for legal citizenship.


The FBI has huge backlog for background checks for those already in line – how will they process another 12-20 million?


At current rate, it would take 40 years to process 12 million!  40 years!


How will feds process new Y and Z visas when they can’t handle current workload?  Duh!


Nothing will work w/o fixing current system – it is not practical.


Z visa holders will be eligible for social security benefits as SS cards will be given them with the visa.


We have a collapsing SS program now – how can it support 12 – 20 million more?  It can not!


Spouses and family members will be eligible for legal status as well.  When head of household goes back to his country to become an American citizen, family stays behind.  Does that mean they are now eligible to receive welfare since  they  will be considered  legal residents?  Spouse will have social security card.  Did we just add 12 -20 million people to the welfare rolls?  Yes, it can be crammed into some remote bill in the middle of the night!


The bill calls for 370 miles of fence on Mexican border.  Our bill last year authorized 700 miles.  Did we just lose 330 miles of fence?


No provision in bill to end anchor babies  (automatic citizenship for children of illegals born here).  Why?


The bill calls for only fifty  287g programs nationally.  There are 3,200 jails in American that need the program.  50 out of 3,200. Whoopee!


The bill calls English the language of America; not the official language, so it has no teeth.


It grants federally backed student loans – will this presume to open up states to granting them in-state tuition as well?


The only thing the Z visa holders can’t do is vote.  How long will it be before some liberal activist judge grants them the right to vote?  Come on – get real.


This  bill is amnesty and a slap in the face to the sovereignty of the United States of America.


As a reminder, we have worked hard here in this region  to make a difference.   The Sheriff has implemented the  287g program to help  the feds and we will have an immigration court by the end of the year and are working on a detention center.


Another subject that is tied in to immigration  - so bear with me.


The American way is to be reactive - not  proactive


Remember the so-called  war on drugs? 


20 years ago when I was  mayor, people said I was crazy because I said  there were billions of dollars in cash leaving the US yearly to finance illegal drug trade; which was destroying us from within, and financing  terrorists.


Now it is estimated  at $322B a  year, and it is known that a great amount of that goes to terrorists.


Comparison:  According  to GAO, $300 B has been spent in 4 years  on Irag war.


$322B per year - illegal drugs! - $300B over 4  yrs on war.  You hear about the war costs all the time.  How often  do you hear about the illegal drug money financing our enemy?


This is tied to what I am going to say next. These are things that you must know.


 It does not  diminish the importance of this huge immigration problem – but I want to make you aware of another problem - that is America's greatest threat - and the  feds have ignored it for the past 20 years.   And, yes, it  relates to immigration. 


Radical Jihadists are infiltrating our education system, military, media, State Dept., legal system, etc.  It is a stealth infiltration meant to do us harm and they are doing it in broad daylight. 


Radical Jihadists tell us all the time what they intend to do.  They want to kill us and take over.  In  their words: "you will be an extremist Muslim or die".  Period.  They target anyone who does not think like they do - including moderate Muslims.   Women would be veiled from head to toe - we would live by Sharia law.  We would return to the dark ages.   When will we listen to what the Radical Jahadists say?  This has already happened in parts of England.  Check it out.


Terrorist cells and terrorist supporters are all over America.  Remember the Hezbollah trial here in Charlotte?  That money  was going to finance Hezbollah in the mideast.


The Fort Dix terror plot in New Jersey demonstrated that illegal immigration is a homeland security issue.  It is reported that three of those terrorists came into the US across the southern border.


Many  Americans are admitting defeat on illegal  drugs, illegal immigration and  Iraq and, by omission, admitting defeat to the radical Jihadists as well.


We will be lost as a sovereign country.


Too many Americans don’t want to get involved – the attitude is ‘let George do it’.  But George ain't doing it.


If we want to save our country we must stop depending on other people to do it and get involved ourselves.  In unison we must  say how we feel and vote out of office any politician who chooses not to listen.  Have you ever considered the fact that 535 Washington politicians control the lives of 300 million people?


Talk to one another personally, by phone, email or call in to talk shows, etc.   We must insist  that this is our country: of the people - by  the people - for  the people and  declare  that no  one will  take it from us.  Ever!


Over 5 years  ago I went to everyone from the President on down and told them "we need to get the American people involved like we did in WWII.  They need to  be informed and involved.  The response - "we don't want to  frighten  the American people". 


I waited for someone to do something.  No one did.  So in January I started the Congressional Anti-terrorism/Jihad Caucus.  We are now 106 members, and growing.


We've interviewed dozens  of experts and have programs to educate members of Congress twice a month.  We have just gotten the  Ethics Committee's  permission to start  a website.  I will announce  when it is up and running so  that you can be kept fully informed.


In the meantime, "Speak Up America"!