Constituent Services

This page provides information about services that Rep. Markey's office provides assistance with. If you have a question or comment, you may email Rep. Markey here.  

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Help with Federal Agencies
Government agencies and procedures can be confusing and often frustrating. As a resident of the 7th Congressional District, you may contact Rep. Markey's office for assistance with a problem related to a federal government service. You will also find links to other governmental web sites that can assist in finding information on absentee ballots, voting, transportation, the military, employment, taxes, consumer protectection, travel and more.

Visiting Washington D.C.
There are many exciting sites to see and events to attend in our Capitol city. This page was designed to help you make the most of your trip to Washington, DC.

Flags Flown Over the Capitol
Rep. Markey's office is happy to assist organizations and individuals in the Seventh District of Massachusetts with purchasing flags which have been flown over the United States Capitol Building.

Internships with Rep. Markey
Rep. Markey's office offers valuable educational experiences to college students interested in the federal government, public policy and the legislative process as they assist in serving the citizens of the 7th Congressional District of Massachusetts.

Service Academy Nominations
If you would like to apply for a Service Academy Nomination or would like additional information, contact Rocco Dirico of  Rep. Markey's Medford District Office at (781) 396-2900.

Grant Information
The Congressional Research Service prepared this presentative to give guidance and key links to information on Federal Grants and non-financial assistance, as well as to private foundation funding.

US Government
This page explains how the Federal Government works and provides you with links to sites where you can learn more.

Kid's Page
This page is aimed specifically towards children and teaching them about their government.