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M E M O R A N D U M TO: Reporters and Editors FR: Jill Kozeny, 202/224-1308 for U.S. ... Read More >>

WASHINGTON --- Senator Chuck Grassley has asked a pharmaceutical consulting company to describe ... Read More >>

Grassley Blog

   Don’t forget to check out my call-in cable show tomorrow at 6:30 CT on your... Read More >>

As a senior member of the Senate Budget Committee, I’m one of the architects who maps out the federal government’s spending blueprint. After Congress adopts the budget resolution for the coming fiscal year, lawmakers then must determine how to raise revenue and spend tax dollars that will fit within the blueprint. Here is where the devil certainly lies in the details. It’s tough to get 535 members of Congress singing off the same song sheet, especially when it comes to deciding how tax dollars are raised and spent. Some of my colleagues can’t raise taxes high enough to satisfy their spending appetites. The new majority leadership in Congress essentially proposed rolling back existing tax policy.

As then-chairman of the tax-writing Finance Committee, I helped steer through Congress the landmark 2001 and 2003 tax relief laws that lowered marginal tax rates, creating a first-ever 10 percent bracket. However, if this job-creating, economy-growing tax policy is allowed to lapse, American families and businesses will face a $900 billion tax increase over five years. Thanks to the lower tax rates on investment income, the economy is thriving, creating jobs, prosperity and opportunity for millions of Americans. The past five years have shown tax cuts do indeed trigger economic growth and increase revenue coming in to the Federal Treasury. At 18.4 percent of GDP, federal tax receipts are exceeding the historical averages. Americans should not be paying more in taxes. Congress needs to maintain the job-creating fiscal policy that expands the economic pie.

As the top Republican on the tax-writing Finance Committee, I’ll also continue my crusade to ferret out tax avoidance schemes and shelters (Bipartisanship Could Fuel AMT Repeal, Jan. 18, 2007), plug the $345 billion tax gap and fix the mess caused by the Alternative Minimum Tax. This parallel tax was enacted more than three decades ago to ensure wealthy taxpayers didn’t escape paying income taxes. However, the AMT was not indexed for inflation and today forces millions of middle-income taxpayers to pay higher taxes than they otherwise would under the standard tax code.

Contrary to the majority party’s views, Washington needs belt-tightening, not tax-hiking, to keep up another five years of uninterrupted growth that will achieve a balanced budget by 2012. Spending binges and tax hikes are not the answer. (Taxing Season for Lawmakers and Taxpayers, Feb. 2007 and Belt Tightening Needed in the Beltway,Jan. 2006)


Tell Senator Grassley what you think about this issue. 

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July 11, 2007 - Grassley Welcomes Lower Budget Deficit Estimate, Says Tax Relief Helps Fuel Revenue Growth
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February 10, 2005 - Letter from the Justice Department regarding study in Health Affairs journal
February 10, 2005 - Opening Statement of Sen. Chuck Grassley at the Bankruptcy Reform Hearing
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October 22, 2004 - Grassley Praises President’s Signing of Business Tax Relief, Key Reforms Into Law
October 4, 2004 - Grassley on the Signing of the Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004
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December 19, 2003 - Baucus, Grassley: IRS, Congress Need to Step Up Fight of Abusive Tax Schemes
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March 27, 2002 - offer in compromise program
March 28, 2001 - IRS Says Grassley is Right About Taxpayer Review, Audit Rates