U.S. Senator George Voinovich
United States Senator, Ohio
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Hearing from and listening to my constituents is a top priority of mine. My office receives thousands of letters, phone calls, faxes and e-mails a week. We will make every effort to ensure that each Ohio constituent who contacts me receives a timely, accurate and thorough response.

Although e-mail certainly decreases the time it takes correspondence to reach me, the quantity of e-mails my office receives does not always allow for the kind of speedy response users of e-mail may anticipate. If you have not heard from us within a timely manner, or you have reason to believe your message to us did not go through, please contact us by phone at (202) 224-3353 to check whether or not your message was received.

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If you are contacting me regarding a time-sensitive casework matter, please call my office directly at 1-800-205-6446. I will also need a Privacy Authorization form completed that gives my staff the authority to handle your request. Also, please attach a clear and concise letter describing the situation with which you require help. My office is unable to initiate an inquiry on your behalf via e-mail.
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