U.S. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. 26th District of Texas

Foreign Affairs & Trade

I am philosophically a supporter of free trade. I believe that trade improves economic conditions both at home and abroad. By creating economic opportunities, we give individuals the freedom to choose to work for employers offering better pay and better working conditions. Trade also contributes to rising standards of living, which economic studies suggest is key to raising labor standards as well. Nearly 12 million American jobs are directly linked to the export of goods and services. These jobs pay 13-18 percent more than similar jobs not involving exports.

Trade promotes United States leadership, economic growth, and builds jobs. It helps alleviate poverty, building stronger and more prosperous neighbors, which can help to reduce the amount of illegal immigration in this country.

I believe that it is paramount, however, that we enforce the trade agreements that we already have in place. We must make sure that all parties are playing by the rules set during the negotiation process. I continue to be concerned about China's practice of pegging the yuan to the dollar and fear that this currency manipulation may be unfairly hurting American workers and manufacturers.

Since the restoration of TPA, the Office of the United States Trade Representative has begun negotiations with a number of individual nations. In addition to bi-lateral trade negotiations, the U.S. has been actively involved in a number of multilateral free trade negotiations. Please be assured that as Congress considers future trade agreements, I will carefully study each agreement to ensure that it is in our nation's national interest.

For related websites, please visit the following links:

Federal Trade Commission Office of International Affairs
Office of the United States Trade Representative World Trade Organization

Related Documents:

Monthly Burgess Bulletin - The August Burgess Bulletin 8.7.2007

Monthly Burgess Bulletin - The July Burgess Bulletin 7.2.2007

Monthly Burgess Bulletin - U.S. Representative Michael C. Burgess, M.D. - FY08 Appropriations Requests 6.14.2007

Monthly Burgess Bulletin - The June Burgess Bulletin 6.1.2007

Monthly Burgess Bulletin - The May Burgess Bulletin 5.1.2007

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