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Congressman Barrett Highlights local business hurt by high gas prices

Madam Speaker,


During August, I traveled throughout my District and heard firsthand from my constituents who are suffering due to high gasoline and diesel prices. Every where I went, I heard stories from individuals and businesses struggling to make ends meet.  One business owner I spoke with told me quote, “The recent energy crisis has definitely impacted our business in a major way, and, unfortunately will ultimately affect the everyday consumers of our products as a result of higher prices.”


Mr. Medford said that significantly higher shipping and transportation costs, and significantly higher raw material costs are causing his bottom line to rise and his business, and ultimately the consumer, to pay the price.


Madam Speaker, we need to take action now.  Any energy legislation that we consider should take an “all-of-the-above” approach to solving our nation’s energy problems.  On behalf of Mr. Medford, countless business owners, and American consumers from South Carolina’s Third Congressional District, I strongly urge you to bring comprehensive energy legislation to the floor immediately.