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Congressman Mike Rogers - Representing Michigan's 8th Congressional District   Congressman Mike Rogers - Representing Michigan's 8th Congressional District
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February 19, 2008- Legislative Email Update: A Shot in the Arm for Michigan's Economy


I write today to update you on recent legislative activities in the United States Congress.  I appreciate the opportunity to contact you.


A Shot in the Arm for Michigan’s Economy


Michigan's single-state recession and a wavering national economy are proof that the priority for Congress must be easing the burden on hardworking families and helping small employers keep and create jobs. 


Last week with my support, the President signed into law an economic growth package designed to boost our struggling economy.  This plan provides tax rebates of up to $600 for individuals making less than $75,000 and up to $1,200 for couples making less than $150,000. The minimum tax rebate would be $300 for individuals and $600 for couples.  This stimulus plan also makes important changes to the U.S. tax code to encourage investment and more job creation.  In all, it is expected to help American employers invest close to $100 billion in expansion, protecting existing jobs and creating new ones.

This “shot in the arm” is crucial to Michigan much more than any other state.  Michigan taxpayers, 4.5 million of them, will see a total of $3.8 billion in cash payments later this year, and businesses that employ Michigan workers will see tax relief aimed at stimulating job retention and growth.


I sincerely hope that this important step forward gives us all the momentum we need to tackle some of the major long-term challenges facing our economy and this country, including: cracking down on China's illegal trade practices, lowering the cost of health care, and controlling government spending.


To read a WLNS report on my efforts to improve Michigan’s economy, please click here.


Making College More Affordable and Accessible


A college education continues to be one of the most important investments our students can make.  But more and more, skyrocketing tuition increases make it harder for students and families to pay for college costs. 


During my time in Congress, I have worked tirelessly to make a college degree more affordable.  I believe we should be cutting interest rates, improving services to students and increasing the amount of grants and loans available to college bound scholars. 


I am pleased to report that with my support, the House of Representatives recently passed legislation to strengthen higher education assistance programs, making college more affordable and accessible for everyone.  The College Opportunity and Affordability Act will reform our higher education system so that it operates in the best interests of students and families, while boosting our competitiveness and strengthening our future.  This measure will:


  • Provide families with new tools to manage college costs
  • Simplify the federal student aid application process
  • Make textbooks more affordable
  • Expand college access and support for low-income students
  • Boost campus safety and disaster readiness plans
  • Strengthen our nation’s workforce and economic competitiveness by boosting science and technology education opportunities.


The bill now awaits consideration before the Senate, and I am hopeful it will soon be signed into law.  Rest assured, I will continue to fight for Michigan’s students and parents who are struggling to afford ever-increasing tuition costs.


For more information on this legislation, please click here. 


Giving our Intelligence Agencies Tools to Track Terrorists


Today, foreign terrorists are using modern technology – cell phones, wireless systems and satellite transmissions – to communicate with each other as they plot to destroy America and all that our nation stands for in the world.  The law governing domestic intelligence gathering, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), desperately needs an update for the 21st Century. 


Unfortunately, the Democrat leadership in the House refuses to consider a permanent FISA fix which would gives the U.S. intelligence community the ability to track foreign terrorists operating overseas.  Instead, they are wasting time questioning Roger Clemens about alleged steroid use.  Do they really believe catching Roger Clemens is more important than catching Osama bin Laden?


Last week, the Senate passed an overwhelmingly bipartisan bill to permanently update FISA.  I believe the House needs to approve this bill, which protect the rights of American citizens while giving the intelligence community the tools it needs to monitor terrorists and prevent new attacks on our nation.  I spoke about this issue on the House floor last week, and you can watch my remarks by clicking on the links below:


Clip One:  T1 format, 56K format

Clip Two:  T1 format, 56K format


I appreciate your continued interest in the legislative activities of your U.S. Congress.  As always, should you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know.


Mike Rogers
Member of Congress

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