
Contact: Nate Bailey 202-225-5802

Knollenberg Fights to Prevent Massive Tax Increase
Record-setting tax hike would hurt families, kill jobs

Shirt Sleeves


Washington, Mar 12 - Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Chairman, I would yield 4 minutes to the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Knollenberg), one of our leaders in this conference and one of our most distinguished leaders.

Mr. KNOLLENBERG. Mr. Brady, thank you very kindly for yielding. I appreciate that very much.

Mr. Chairman, I rise tonight on behalf of the hardworking men and women of Michigan and particularly of my Ninth District.

It will come as no surprise to most to hear me say that Michigan has been struggling mightily of late. For the past 6 years, we have suffered from incomparable job losses throughout Michigan. In fact, Michigan was the only State in the Union to have lost jobs in each and every year of that time frame. Our unemployment rate has been the Nation's highest, or close to it, for longer than anyone can remember. Home foreclosures are up. Wages are down. Costs seem to be rising at every turn. To put it lightly, the people of Michigan are facing some tough times.

Not too long ago, the Governor of Michigan proposed an income tax increase. The citizens were on the verge of revolt. The State government actually shut down for a bit. As Michigan families struggled, the last thing they thought they deserved from their government was a bigger tax bill. But, sadly, they got one anyway.

Now the leadership of this body wants to send the good people of Michigan and the people across the country another tax increase. In fact, they want to send, as has been said before, the biggest tax increase in American history.

Well, I'm here to say, and to say strongly, enough is enough. Enough with higher taxes. Enough with wasteful spending. Enough.

Analysts have calculated that the average family in my district would see their taxes go up by more than $4,100 if this budget were to be enacted. That's $4,100 that families in Oakland County simply cannot afford. Worse yet, we know that a tax increase this big would do serious harm to the economy, costing even more jobs and putting more people out of work.

The other problem is, and some have told me that my district alone would lose some 2,000 jobs in the wake of this scale of tax increase. I do not want to let that happen.

Many are concerned that the national economy is showing signs of weakness. I submit to my colleagues the weakness you may be seeing is just a common cold compared to the prolonged pneumonia Michigan has suffered from during its single-State recession.

I'm going to fight and fight hard to protect Michigan's families, as every Member here I know would protect the people from their own States, protect them from higher taxes. Taking more of their hard-earned money from their pockets will only lead to more problems, more job losses, and more hardships.

So I repeat: Enough with higher taxes. Enough with wasteful spending. Simply, enough.

If you're thinking of voting for a tax increase this big, I'd invite you to come to see me in Michigan. There you can see firsthand what higher taxes do to an economy. Higher taxes shutter factory doors. They close small businesses, and they hurt families right to the core. This budget, and the $4,000 increase that comes with it for Oakland County's families, is simply unacceptable.

Instead of raising taxes, we should be focused on solutions that will strengthen the economy, create jobs, encourage investment, and foster innovation. Raising taxes would do the exact polar opposite.

So I strongly urge my colleagues, Mr. Chairman, to reject this massive tax increase on average Americans. I know firsthand how much harm it would do to Michigan's families, and I have every reason to believe it would do the same to families across America.

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