Headshot of Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney

Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney

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Time Magazine has called her a “tenacious, resilient legislator.” The New York Sun said “her entire career has been marked by a kind of personal courage.” The Village Voice characterized her as “a tiger in the House on every dollar due New York.” And The New York Times said, “New York's Congressional delegation stands out for their moxie, kind of the way New Yorkers themselves often do. Among the brashest members is Representative Carolyn B. Maloney, a Democrat of Manhattan.”

New York Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney is a strong voice for New Yorkers, and a national leader with extensive accomplishments on security, financial services, the economy, and women’s issues.

As the co-founder of the House 9/11 Commission Caucus, Maloney helped author and pass legislation to implement all of the 9/11 Commission’s recommendations for improving intelligence gathering. And in the wake of the Dubai Ports debacle, she helped craft successful legislation to reform the system for vetting foreign investment in the United States.

As a renowned champion for domestic and international women’s issues, Maloney helped passed legislation to target the demand side of sex trafficking and provide annual mammograms for women on Medicare. Maloney also authored the Debbie Smith bill to process DNA kits, which has been called the most important anti-rape legislation in history. The story of the legislation was made into a movie by Lifetime Television, A Life Interrupted: The Debbie Smith Story, with actress Lynn Adams portraying Congresswoman Maloney.

New York City has no stronger advocate in Congress than Maloney. She has doggedly fought for full federal assistance to help the city rebuild from 9/11, most recently helping secure the very first doses of federal money for the health care needs of those made sick by the toxic air at Ground Zero. She has also delivered significant federal funding for the Second Avenue Subway and East Side Access transportation projects, both of which run through her district.

Maloney’s career has been a series of firsts. She is the first woman to represent New York’s 14th Congressional District, the first woman to represent New York City’s 7th Councilmanic district, and the first woman Vice-Chair of the Joint Economic Committee, a House and Senate panel that examines and addresses the nation’s most pressing economic issues. She was also the first woman to give birth while serving on the New York City Council.

In addition to her work on the Joint Economic Committee, Maloney is Chair of the House Financial Services Committee’s Financial Institutions Subcommittee, which has jurisdiction over the nation’s banking system. As Subcommittee Chair, she has worked to modernize financial services laws and regulations, strengthen consumer protections, and institute vigilant oversight of the safety and soundness of our nation’s banking industry. Maloney is also a senior member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Read Congresswoman Maloney's Extended Biography  

Last Updated ( July 22, 2008 )